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|headerbgcolor = black
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|bgcolor = #DDAADD
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|image = changeling.gif
|img_generic =
|img = changeling.gif
|jobtitle = Changeling
|jobtitle = Changeling
|access = Any place you or your victims had access to, or anywhere you can break in.
|caption = [http://sam.wileycomputerworks.com/SS13/audio/SecChan.wav "Uh...THE HEAD OF SECURITY IS A CHANGE-" *BZZZZZRT* *CRUNCH* "Nevermoind, everything's OK. Go back to work."]
|access = Whatever your job is
|access2 = Any place you or your victims had access to
|difficulty = Hard
|difficulty = Hard
|superior = The Syndicate, probably
|supervisors = The Syndicate, probably
|rank = N/A
|duties = Drink people's DNA, fool people.
|duties = Drink people's DNA, fool people.
|guides = This is the guide
|guides = This is the guide
A changeling is a highly intelligent alien predator that is capable of altering their shape to flawlessly resemble a human. They are typically deployed in simple social groupings, although they maintain total autonomy and act individually, so long as they do not have a team objective. As a result of their expertise in infiltration, the Syndicate often hires Changelings to steal high-risk items from Nanotrasen. The Changeling hunts with its ability to synthesize deadly chemicals internally, adopt the form of it's past victims, and even directly alter its form to be more suited to the task at hand.
A changeling is an alien creature that is intelligent and able to morph into humans. Changelings are solitary hunters, but also take contracts from syndicate forces in order to steal Nanotrasen tech. The main weapons of the changeling are its ability to internally synthesize dangerous chemicals, morph into creatures it has absorbed, and blend in with humans.
==The Thing From Spaaaaaaaace!==
A changeling has boarded the ship! It has had time to "familiarize" itself with the ins and outs of its primary victim's identity, ready to take anything it desires -- be it your equipment, your faces, or your lives!
==The Thing From Spaaaaaaaace==
A changeling has boarded the station! It has had time to "familiarize" itself with the ins and outs of its primary victim's identity, ready to take anything it desires -- be it your equipment, your faces, or your lives!
Even if a changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it is highly likely it has attacked or killed others in its infiltration.
Even if a changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it is highly likely it has attacked or killed others in its infiltration.
Changelings can communicate with one another using 'say :g' before their speech
==Ok, now what do?==
Important: Changelings can anonymously communicate with one another over a hivemind channel by using ''''say :g'''' before their speech. '''Use alt+click''' or '''middle mouse button''' to sting someone with your currently active sting.<br>
===DNA Absorption===
The goal of many changelings is to absorb 5-7 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and absorb them using either its special proboscis, or the DNA Extraction Sting. You can only have a maximum of 5 DNA strands at a time, and must transform to obtain more.
Acquiring DNA via husking requires a grab, and a little bit of time as it stabs the victim with its appendage till it has all of the DNA drained. You need a good grip to absorb victims properly, and choking them has the added benefit of subduing your target as well.  A choke hold can be attained by grabbing someone repeatedly until you're holding them by the neck, then double-clicking the KILL button that appears in your active hand in your HUD so that it is flashing red.
Now, you may notice the clusterfuck of HUD icons on the top of your screen. These are your abilities. Hover over the icons to see their names.  
*Absorbing a victim will fill your chemical storage some and give you the target's DNA.
*Absorbing another changeling gives you all its chemical storage.
# Learn about your available abilities.  
*Allows you to rechoose your abilities.
# Use them to steal DNA from people to help you accomplish your objectives.  
*Absorbing victims who have been husked via burns or space will not add to your total genome count.
*Absorbed victims '''cannot be cloned''' unless genetics uses a monkey creatively. They can still be turned into cyborgs because the brain is fine.
'''Absorbing everyone is dickish and shouldn't be what you always use, as DNA extraction sting is entirely covert and does not kill the target while still counting for objectives.'''
Acquiring DNA via DNA Extraction Sting, however, is instant and does not give any alert to the target.  
===[[File:choke.png]] DNA Extraction===
The goal of many changelings is to acquire 5-7 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and acquire their DNA.
*Costs 25 chemicals.
DNA can be acquired in two ways:
*Counts towards DNA absorption objectives.
* [[File:Sting_extract.png]] The '''DNA Extraction Sting''', which costs 25 chemicals, is instant and does not give any alert to the target. You can get as many DNA samples as you want this way, but you can only transform into the last 7 of them.  
* [[File:Ling_absorb_hud.png]] '''[[#Absorbing|Absorbing]]''' the victim, which results in a body drained from blood which is harder to [[Guide_to_genetics#Hark!_A Husk!|clone]] (it's a [[Terminology#Husk|husk]] [[File:Husk.png]]). Does not bypass the limit of 7 stored disguises.  
==="No, I'm the real one!"===
====[[File:Ling_absorb_hud.png]] Absorbing====
Changelings are limited, however, to how much DNA they can absorb at once! If a changeling has 5 DNAs stored and attempts to gain another, they must purge the older DNA by transforming. Eventually, any changeling will have to be a twin of someone else on the station, living or dead.
Acquiring DNA via absorbing requires you to be [[Guide_to_combat#Strangling|strangling]] your victim and clicking the absorb ability. You then have to go through three long progress bars as you stab and drain the victim with a proboscis.
* Absorbing a victim will slightly replenish your chemical storage, give you the target's DNA and let you readapt (refund) your abilites. You can only have one unused "readapt" stored at a time.
* Absorbing another changeling gives you all of its chemical storage and all its stored DNA genomes.  
* Absorbing victims who have been [[Guide_to_genetics#Hark!_A Husk!|husked]] via burns or space will not add to your total genome count.
* Absorbed victims require an upgraded [[Guide_to_genetics#Cloning|cloner]] to be [[Guide_to_genetics#Hark!_A Husk!|cloned]]. They can still be turned into [[Cyborg|cyborgs]] because the brain is fine.
The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed.
The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed.
This can be massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.
This can be massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.
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Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crewmember may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.
Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crewmember may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.
===[[File:Ling_stasis_hud.png]] Regeneration===
Also known as Regenerative Stasis, changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for two minutes. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will, fully healed of all injuries and illness. Both entering stasis and leaving it cost 10 chemicals, so make sure you have at least 20 before you are slain and must activate it.
Also known as [[#Reviving_Stasis|Reviving Stasis]], changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for two minutes. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will [[File:Ling_stasis_revive_hud.png]], fully healed of all injuries and illnesses. Both entering stasis and leaving it cost 10 chemicals, so make sure you have at least 20 before you are slain and must activate it.
This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves <b>even from death</b> if their bodies are intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on station given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it in the chapel.
This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves <b>even from death</b> if their bodies are intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on ship given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it in the chapel.
Changelings may have the following objectives:
Changelings may have the following objectives:
Absorb 5-7 DNA stands. All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via DNA extract sting or Absorbing.
:'''1. Absorb 5-7 DNA stands:''' You just need to get DNA, easiest way is through your DNA extraction sting [[File:Sting_extract.png]].
:'''1a. Extract more compatible genomes than any other Changeling.:''' Pretty self-explanatory, you can either spam DNA extract sting [[File:Sting_extract.png]] or kill the other poor sap who gets this objective.
:'''2. Assassinate/Maroon a person:''' Kill some unlucky crewmember. This can be fulfilled via normal means or through some of your various abilities.
:'''3. Absorb another Changeling:''' You have to kill and then absorb [[File:Ling_absorb_hud.png]] another changeling.
:'''4. Steal an object:''' Steal a special or rare object from the ship, you will be informed of what to steal.
:'''5a. Escape alive:''' All changelings get an escape objective, to fulfill, be on the escape shuttle or a pod when they land at Central Command.
:'''5b. Escape with identity:''' In addition to escaping alive, the changeling must have transformed to the target person and wear an ID card with the target's name on it to succeed.
===Team Objective===
Changelings may sometimes instead have a special Team Objective that is given to all changelings in the round. These are generally too hard or impossible for one changeling to complete alone.
:'''1. Impersonate Department:''' A department is chosen '''(Security, Medical, Engineering or Science)'''. As many staff members from this department as logically possible (Based on the number of changelings in the round, the number of staff members in the department, etc.) are chosen as targets that the changelings must kill, transform into and escape as. This objective ignores the head(s) of that department. A Changeling does NOT need to personally be one of the targets to succeed. '''This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.'''
:'''2. Impersonate Heads:''' Like Impersonate Department, except the "department" is always the '''Heads of Staff (Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Engineer and Chief Medical Officer)'''. The changelings must kill, transform into and escape as the specified heads of staff. '''This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.'''
===Going Solo or Teaming Up===
If the changelings have a Team Objective they should be treated as any other team antag, this means they are '''NOT''' allowed to betray the other changelings.
If there is no team objective then everything is on the table, from stealing an absorb target to killing another changeling.
Make sure you know which of the above is true before you act!
Regardless of Team Objectives, changelings can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does <i>not count towards your personal absorption count.</i>
==Changeling Abilities==
The changeling possesses other dangerous abilities including precooked stinger abilities, which it can fire out of a crafted dart at a moments notice! Their stored chemicals regenerate quickly at a rough set rate of half a chemical per second.
Changelings start with 10 evolution points and can onlt get more by absorbing another changeling. The cost of abilities (if applicable) are listed in parentheses after their entry. By husking a lifeform, the changeling gains the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise. This will reset their evolution points back to the starting 10.
Changelings can store up to 7 DNA strands, acquiring them either by absorbing or DNA stinging people; if they acquire more, the oldest will be overwritten (but will still count for objectives).
Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings and are able to notice they've been stung. If you try to sting someone and they don't react, they might be one too!
===Starting Set===
====[[File:Ling_stasis_hud.png]] Reviving Stasis [[File:Ling_stasis_revive_hud.png]]====
A free evolution. The changeling can fake its death and enter a stasis for a small cost. Some time after entering stasis, the stasis icon [[File:Ling_stasis_hud.png]] will change to this: [[File:Ling_stasis_revive_hud.png]]. Clicking that icon will then instantly resurrect you and heal all wounds and status effects. <u>Can be used while dead.</u> Renders the changeling very hard to kill, but if its corpse is gibbed or incinerated it won't be able to revive. The revival is manually activated so you can wait for a good opportunity.
Uses 15 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_regenerate_hud.png]] Regenerate====
A free evolution. The changeling instantly regenerates lost limbs and organs. If it is regenerating limbs, it will make a loud and obvious sound.
Uses 10 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_transform_hud.png]] Transform====
A free evolution. The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. It will also mimic their clothing and IDs, if you're not already wearing one in those slots. These fake items will be non-functional but can be deleted by clicking them or by using the Drop Flesh Disguise option from the transformation menu.
Uses 5 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_hivemind_channel_hud.png]] Hive Channel====
A free evolution. The changeling can channel a selected genome into the airwaves for other changelings to absorb and use. Also useful for storing important DNA without it being overwritten.
Uses 10 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_hive_absorb_hud.png]] Hive Absorb====
A free evolution. The changeling can absorb DNA from the air that has been channelled by a fellow changeling. Doesn't help the changeling reach their genome objective.
Uses 20 chemicals.
====[[File:Sting_extract.png]] Extract DNA Sting====
A free evolution. The changeling can sting a target to extract their genetic information. They can then use the DNA like they just absorbed it. Helps the changeling reach their genome objective.
Uses 25 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_absorb_hud.png]] Absorb DNA====
A free evolution. Another way to acquire DNA: the changeling fully drains a body's fluids, husking it in the process and making it uncloneable and unidentifiable. In addition to giving the changeling the DNA, it will also give it a few samples of the victim's memories (including any [[Syndicate_Items#How_to_Get_These_Items|uplink codes]] and objectives), and it will allow the changeling to reset their abilities. If you absorb another changeling, your maximum and current chemical storage will increase, and you will gain 5 extra evolution points to spend.
====[[File:Ling_hivemind_link_hud.png]] Hivemind Link====
Allows you to connect another non-changeling to the Hivemind. For when some one agrees to help you for what ever reason.
Has the same requirements as Absorb DNA: needs a KILL level grab and a short channel. The victim will be kept stabilized while linked to the hivemind; so don't worry about time constraints.
===Abilities Available via Evolution Menu===
====[[File:Ling_augmented_eyesight_hud.png]] Augmented Eyesight====
The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_biodegrade_hud.png]] Biodegrade====
Dissolves restraints or other objects preventing free movement. This is obvious to nearby people, and can destroy standard restraints and closets.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_chameleon_skin_hud.png]] Chameleon Skin====
Our skin pigmentation rapidly changes to suit our current environment. Allows us to become invisible after a few seconds of standing still. Can be toggled on and off.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_digital_camo_hud.png]] Digital Camouflage====
Makes the changeling invisible to the AI, and prevents the AI from tracking the changeling's location while active, but makes when examined by others you will be "moving your body in an unnatural and blatantly inhuman manner".
Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_adrenaline_hud.png]] Adrenaline Sacs====
Allows to the changeling to make use of additional adrenaline to instantly recover from all forms of [[Status_Effects#Disables|stuns]] and other inhibiting [[Status_Effects|status effects]]. This also injects 10u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Changeling_Adrenaline|Changeling Adrenaline]] and 2u [[Guide_to_chemistry#Changeling_Haste|Changeling Haste]], which together gives about 4 seconds of extreme speed and about 50 seconds of slight reduction of further stuns. These chems will deal 4 toxin damage per use and can deal further toxin damage if overdosed by using the ability more than 3 times in quick succession. High chemical cost.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_fleshmend_hud.png]] Fleshmend====
The changeling will rapidly heal brute and oxygen damage, as well as burn at a slower rate over 10 seconds. Repeated use while the effect is added will restart the regeneration timer, but the user will still heal at the same rate. Cannot be used while burning, but usable while unconscious.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_last_resort_hud.png]] Last Resort====
For when you are well and truly fucked. Creates a small explosion, gibs your current body, and spawns a headslug; a creature that can infect a corpse to plant a hidden changeling egg. The changeling egg grows into a monkey changeling after ~180 seconds.<br>
'''If you're killed while in this form and you haven't infected any corpse, you won't be able to revive!'''
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_lesser_form_hud.png]] Lesser Form [[File:Ling_human_form_hud.png]]====
The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period of time. Causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using '''Human Form''' [[File:Ling_human_form_hud.png]]. Note that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs. Standing on a pile of clothes when turning back to human form will make you automatically put those clothes on.
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals and 5 to shift back.
====[[File:Ling_mimic_voice_hud.png]] Mimic Voice====
Allows the changeling to form their voice of a name they enter.
Costs 1 evolution point and slows chemical generation while active.
====[[File:Arm_blade.png]] Arm Blade====
Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when on harm intent (powered ones will take longer).
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.
====[[File:Ling_tentacle_hud.png]] Tentacle====
Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a tentacle. This tentacle can be fired towards a target, with different effects depending on your intent. The tentacle will be used up when fired once. Counts as a ranged weapon. You must stand still when firing it or the target will instantly break loose instead of being pulled to you.
* '''Targeting an item:''' Grabs the item and throws it in your hand.
* '''Help intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, without any additional effect.
* '''Disarm intent:''' If the mob has any item in hand, that item will be pulled away and put into the changeling's hand, otherwise it has no effect.
* '''Grab intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, aggressively grabbing it once it lands.
* '''Harm intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling. If the changeling is also holding a sharp weapon, it'll automatically stab the mob on landing, ignoring armor.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 10 chemicals.
Assassinate a person. All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via normal methods or some of your various abilities.
====[[File:Ling_shield.png]] Organic Shield====
Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a large, fleshy shield. Blocks or mitigates a number of attacks, the amount increasing by 3 with each genome absorbed.
Steal an object. This takes up the same slot as Debrain a person; you will only get one of the two. It is generally considered easier than Debrain a person.
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
Debrain a person. This takes up the same slot as Steal an object; you will only get one of the two. It must be done by obtaining surgical tools, then subduing the target and debraining them via surgery.
====[[File:Ling_organic_suit_hud.png]] Organic Space Suit====
Inflates the changeling's flesh into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue to facilitate space travel. While it's active, you'll also regenerate oxygen damage quickly enough to not need air. Because the suit is made up of the changeling's flesh, it provides no damage resistance and can be injected directly into with syringes. Slows chemical generation while active.
Escape on the shuttle alive. All changelings get this objective, to fulfill, be on the escape shuttle or a pod when they land at Central Command.
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.
Like traitors, changelings operate individually. It is not required for changelings to reveal their identity to each other, as it's not uncommon for changelings to receive other changelings as objectives or backstab each other to remove competition. '''They are in no way obligated to assist each other'''.  Even so, a coordinated group of changelings is truly a terror to behold especially since they can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does <i>not count towards your personal absorption count.</i>
====[[File:Ling_chitinous_armor_hud.png]] Chitinous Armor====
Inflates the changeling's body into an all-consuming chitinous mass of armor. Provides extensive protection against physical damage, but less against other types. Its mass slows the changeling's movement, and maintaining its shape slows chemical generation.
==Chemical Warfare==
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
The changeling possesses other dangerous abilities including precooked stinger abilities, which it can fire out of a crafted dart at a moments notice! Their stored chemicals regenerate quickly at a rough set rate of half a chemical per second, which is doubled with '''Engorged Chemical Glands'''.
Changelings start with 5 evolution points. Each current ability costs 1 point, excluding the free ones. By husking a lifeform, they gain the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise.
====[[File:Ling_panacea_hud.png]] Anatomic Panacea====
Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvae. Usable while unconscious. Do not use if you are a slimeperson.  
Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings. If you try to sting someone and they don't react, THEY'RE ONE TOO!
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
====Hive Channel====
====Pheromone Receptors====
A free evolution. The changeling can channel a selected genome into the airwaves for other changelings to absorb and use. Costs 10 chemicals.
A toggled ability that gives a HUD icon when another changeling is in a rather large area around you. If you get closer, the icon will turn into an arrow pointing at the nearest changeling, and if you're very close the icon will become a black diamond. Slows chemical regeneration while active. Invaluable for the "absorb another changeling" objective.
====Hive Absorb====
Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.
A free evolution. The changeling can absorb DNA from the air that has been channelled by a fellow changeling. Doesn't help the changeling reach their genome objective. Costs 20 chemicals.
====Extract DNA Sting====
====[[File:Ling_resonant_shriek_hud.png]] Resonant Shriek====
A free evolution. The changeling can sting a target to extract their genetic information. They can then use the DNA like they just absorbed it. Helps the changeling reach their genome objective. Costs 25 chemicals.
The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself and bursting lights in the area, while overloading cyborg sensors. Good for escaping groups or preventing people from fleeing from you.
====Regenerative Stasis====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
A free evolution. The changeling can enter a stasis for a small cost, and after some time, can leave it to heal all wounds, also with a small cost. Renders the changeling very hard to kill. Costs 10 chemicals to enter, and 10 to leave.
====[[File:Ling_dissonant_shriek_hud.png]] Dissonant Shriek====
A free evolution. The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. Doesn't come with clothes or acting ability.
The changeling emits an EMP, which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Good for escaping [[borg]]s and preventing people from shouting over the radio.
====Lesser Form====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period of time. Causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using '''Human Form'''. Note that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs. Costs 5 chemicals and 5 to shift back.
====Epinephrine Sacs====
====[[File:Ling_spread_infestation_hud.png]] Spread Infestation====
Allows to the changeling to make use of additional adrenaline to instantly recover from stuns, and gives a temporary reduction in further stuns, which may cause toxin damage as a side effect. High chemical cost. Costs 25 chemicals.
Two spiderlings crawl out of the changeling's mouth, eventually growing into deadly beasts. They will attack the changeling as well, if they see it. IMPORTANT: You need at least 3 DNA absorptions (NOT "Extract DNA" Stings) to unlock this late-game ability.
====Engorged Chemical Glands====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 45 chemicals.
A passive ability that increases the changeling's maximum storage capacity of chemicals to 75, from 50, and doubles the rate of chemical regeneration.
====Mimic Voice====
====[[File:Ling_strained_muscles_hud.png]] Strained Muscles====
Allows the changeling to form their voice of a name they enter. Prevents chemical generation while active.
The changeling reduces lactic acid buildup in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest.
====Digital Camouflage====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.
Prevents [[AI]]s from tracking the changeling's location while active, but makes you look strange on examine.
====[[File:Sting_transform.png]] Transformation Sting====
Unlike Regenerative Stasis, the changeling will rapidly heal itself without the need to go into stasis. Costs 30 chemicals.
The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces their human victim to transform into another. When extracting the sting the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use.
====Anatomic Panacea====
Costs 3 evolution points and uses 50 chemicals.
Cures the changeling of diseases, disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Costs 25 chemicals.
====Resonant Shriek====
====[[File:Sting_mute.png]] Mute Sting====
The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself and bursting lights in the area. Good for escaping groups or preventing people from fleeing from you. Costs 25 chemicals.
The changeling silently sting a human, completely silencing them for about thirty seconds. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, until they try to speak and can't.
====Dissonant Shriek====
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.
The changeling emits an [[EMP]], which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Costs 20 chemicals.
====Blind Sting====
====[[File:Sting_blind.png]] Blind Sting====
The changeling silently sting a human, completely blinding them for a short time and rendering them permanently nearsighted. May be used while under the effects of Lesser Form. Costs 25 chemicals.
The changeling silently stings a human, completely blinding them for a short time and rendering them permanently nearsighted.
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 25 chemicals.
====Mute Sting====
====[[File:Sting_hallucination.png]] Hallucination Sting====
The changeling silently sting a human, completely silencing them for a short time. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, until they try to speak and can't. May be used while under the effects of Lesser Form. Costs 20 chemicals.
The changeling injects large doses of hallucinogenic chemicals into their victim. Effect occurs after 30 to 60 seconds. The victim does not notice they've been stung until they start tripping.
====Transformation Sting====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals.
The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces their human victim to transform into another. Costs 40 chemicals.
====Hallucination Sting====
====[[File:Sting_cryo.png]] Cryogenic Sting====
The changeling injects large doses of hallucinogenic chemicals into their victim. Effect occurs after 30 to 60 seconds. The victim does not notice they've been stung. Costs 5 chemicals.
The changeling injects the target with a blend of chemicals that begins to turn their blood to ice. The victim will walk slower and take some damage over the full duration. Victims wearing armor or insulated material will take more damage, since they are insulated from the ambient warmth. Can be countered with space heaters, coffee, and other warming objects and foods.
====Cryogenic Sting====
Costs 2 evolution points and uses 15 chemicals.
The changeling injects the target with a blend of chemicals that begins to turn their blood to ice. The victim will walk slower and take some damage over the full duration. Victims wearing armor or insulated material will take more damage. Can be countered with space heaters, coffee, and other warming objects and foods.  Costs 15 chemicals.
====Spread Infestation====
====[[File:Sting_fake_armblade.png]] False Armblade Sting====
Two spiderlings crawl out of the changeling's mouth, eventually growing into deadly beasts. IMPORTANT: You need at least 5 DNA absorptions to gain enough power to use this late-game ability! Costs 50 chemicals.
The changeling silently injects a retrovirus that mutates their victim's arm into an armblade. The victim will form an armblade much like a changeling would, except the armblade is dull and useless. The transformation occurs immediately after the sting, and will last for about a minute.
====Arm Blade====
Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.
Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open depowered doors. Costs 20 chemicals.
====Organic Space Suit====
Hardens the changeling's body into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue, evolved to facilitate space travel. The suit uses up chemicals while active and cannot be used as a monkey. Costs 20 chemicals.
* As a changeling, the absolute best item for you to get is a wallet (From the crew quarters, in either cabin's personal closet, in the leather satchel.) It goes in your ID slot and holds up to 4 ids, all of which work for automatic access and none of which change your mouse over identity.
* Only take a few abilities at round start! Once you take an ability, it is locked in unless you husk someone. Husking someone is time-consuming, leaves obvious evidence, sort of dickish, and if anyone interrupts you then you're boned. If you leave a few slots open, though, you can easily adapt to whatever shit you find yourself in.
* Transformation Sting is robust. Not only does it confuse the fuck out of people and is silent, but it's easier to hide in a forest than on an open plain. Make 555 of the guy you are changing into for more genomes. Transform the guy you are husking/impersonating into someone else, so you're the only one. Transform a ling who is caught if the scene is chaotic enough that he might escape. The possibilities are endless. ADDED: Wear some generic clothes from arrivals or locker room. Then if somebody's chasing you, run out of their line of sigh, quickly transform and run backwards.
* As a ling you are able to explore space, either staying as a regening corpse until you hit something or through a combination of fleshmend, engorged chem sacs, and a fire suit.
** There are edible clown corpses on the clown shuttle.
** You can of course find spaced people randomly, which is a great way to pick up an identity provided everyone doesn't know they were spaced.
** Or just use organic space suit
** Cryosting is very robust on people with insulation which makes it really effective in space, where they won't have a choice about staying dressed up in their suit.
* Hive channel is free genome storage for identities.
* Mimic voice and subverted AI, or mimic voice and digital camo go a LONG way in completely getting the crew against each other (ie: "one day, woody got wood").
* Keep in mind that if you space yourself and let your corpse husk from the burn damage you'll still be a husk when you get back up. You can clear this effect by transforming to another form and back again. You could also buy voice changing and play a zombie.
* Blind sting + Lesser form = Freedom
** Cryo Sting + Lesser form = Freedom
** LSD Sting + Lesser form = Maybe freedom if it reaches the point of holodamage knockouts.
* Mute Sting + Cryo Sting + Blind Sting + Stun Prod, applied directly to forehead = easy, unrobust kill
* Don't be the person who goes ";g absorbing captain in maint" USE YOUR PERIODS
===Tips for Fighting Against Changelings===
* Changelings do not need heads, and brains are therefore vestigial. Don't debrain a changeling while the body walks out of the door behind you.
* As long as you can talk and you're within 1 tile of an intercom, you can type :i in front of what you say to say it over the intercom. Even when you're stunned and/or on the ground.
* If you get cryostung as a Security Officer, remove your armor and helmet. REMOVE THEM. Or else you will die. Sec armor has somehow some heat tampering properties, which means you won't heat up as much as you would normally be, and will consequently die of cold. Same goes if you are wearing an hardsuit/space protective gear/anything that could have thermal properties. If you get cryo'd, REMOVE THOSE THINGS ASAP.
* The bane of lings is N2O. None of their powers will help them. Unless they use internals.
* Never fight a Changeling alone if you can help it. Unless they're hilariously unrobust, chances are they will almost always win a melee confrontation. The best tactic is to get a buddy to stun the changeling while you handcuff/beat it to death and take it to be gibbed/cremated.
* Changeling flesh clothing is completely cosmetic/non-functional and cannot be removed. If during a strip-search you can't remove an article of clothing from a person, chances are they're a Changeling unless they're cursed in some way.
* A 100 potassium/water explosive lance has a one-tile gibbing radius, useful for permanently taking out changelings without too much collateral damage.
* Gibber machines are easy to construct, and if you leave one in a well trafficked area, its hard to take one out without any witnesses. Even then, they're easy to replace and somewhat expendable.
[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Game Modes]]
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[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Game Modes]] [[Category:Guides]]

Latest revision as of 14:46, 18 December 2020

AccessWhatever your job is
Additional AccessAny place you or your victims had access to
SupervisorsThe Syndicate, probably
DutiesDrink people's DNA, fool people.
GuidesThis is the guide

A changeling is a highly intelligent alien predator that is capable of altering their shape to flawlessly resemble a human. They are typically deployed in simple social groupings, although they maintain total autonomy and act individually, so long as they do not have a team objective. As a result of their expertise in infiltration, the Syndicate often hires Changelings to steal high-risk items from Nanotrasen. The Changeling hunts with its ability to synthesize deadly chemicals internally, adopt the form of it's past victims, and even directly alter its form to be more suited to the task at hand.

The Thing From Spaaaaaaaace![edit | edit source]

A changeling has boarded the ship! It has had time to "familiarize" itself with the ins and outs of its primary victim's identity, ready to take anything it desires -- be it your equipment, your faces, or your lives!

Even if a changeling has not attacked any other crew members, it is highly likely it has attacked or killed others in its infiltration.

Ok, now what do?[edit | edit source]

Important: Changelings can anonymously communicate with one another over a hivemind channel by using 'say :g' before their speech. Use alt+click or middle mouse button to sting someone with your currently active sting.

Now, you may notice the clusterfuck of HUD icons on the top of your screen. These are your abilities. Hover over the icons to see their names.


  1. Learn about your available abilities.
  2. Use them to steal DNA from people to help you accomplish your objectives.

Choke.png DNA Extraction[edit | edit source]

The goal of many changelings is to acquire 5-7 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and acquire their DNA.

DNA can be acquired in two ways:

  • Sting extract.png The DNA Extraction Sting, which costs 25 chemicals, is instant and does not give any alert to the target. You can get as many DNA samples as you want this way, but you can only transform into the last 7 of them.
  • Ling absorb hud.png Absorbing the victim, which results in a body drained from blood which is harder to clone (it's a husk Husk.png). Does not bypass the limit of 7 stored disguises.

Ling absorb hud.png Absorbing[edit | edit source]

Acquiring DNA via absorbing requires you to be strangling your victim and clicking the absorb ability. You then have to go through three long progress bars as you stab and drain the victim with a proboscis.

  • Absorbing a victim will slightly replenish your chemical storage, give you the target's DNA and let you readapt (refund) your abilites. You can only have one unused "readapt" stored at a time.
  • Absorbing another changeling gives you all of its chemical storage and all its stored DNA genomes.
  • Absorbing victims who have been husked via burns or space will not add to your total genome count.
  • Absorbed victims require an upgraded cloner to be cloned. They can still be turned into cyborgs because the brain is fine.

Transforming[edit | edit source]

The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed. This can be massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.

Changelings can also, via their lesser form ability, transform into monkeys and do monkey things.

Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crewmember may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.

Ling stasis hud.png Regeneration[edit | edit source]

Also known as Reviving Stasis, changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for two minutes. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will Ling stasis revive hud.png, fully healed of all injuries and illnesses. Both entering stasis and leaving it cost 10 chemicals, so make sure you have at least 20 before you are slain and must activate it.

This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves even from death if their bodies are intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on ship given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it in the chapel.

Objective[edit | edit source]

Changelings may have the following objectives:

1. Absorb 5-7 DNA stands: You just need to get DNA, easiest way is through your DNA extraction sting Sting extract.png.
1a. Extract more compatible genomes than any other Changeling.: Pretty self-explanatory, you can either spam DNA extract sting Sting extract.png or kill the other poor sap who gets this objective.
2. Assassinate/Maroon a person: Kill some unlucky crewmember. This can be fulfilled via normal means or through some of your various abilities.
3. Absorb another Changeling: You have to kill and then absorb Ling absorb hud.png another changeling.
4. Steal an object: Steal a special or rare object from the ship, you will be informed of what to steal.
5a. Escape alive: All changelings get an escape objective, to fulfill, be on the escape shuttle or a pod when they land at Central Command.
5b. Escape with identity: In addition to escaping alive, the changeling must have transformed to the target person and wear an ID card with the target's name on it to succeed.

Team Objective[edit | edit source]

Changelings may sometimes instead have a special Team Objective that is given to all changelings in the round. These are generally too hard or impossible for one changeling to complete alone.

1. Impersonate Department: A department is chosen (Security, Medical, Engineering or Science). As many staff members from this department as logically possible (Based on the number of changelings in the round, the number of staff members in the department, etc.) are chosen as targets that the changelings must kill, transform into and escape as. This objective ignores the head(s) of that department. A Changeling does NOT need to personally be one of the targets to succeed. This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.
2. Impersonate Heads: Like Impersonate Department, except the "department" is always the Heads of Staff (Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Engineer and Chief Medical Officer). The changelings must kill, transform into and escape as the specified heads of staff. This objective requires 3 changelings to be chosen for a round.

Going Solo or Teaming Up[edit | edit source]

If the changelings have a Team Objective they should be treated as any other team antag, this means they are NOT allowed to betray the other changelings. If there is no team objective then everything is on the table, from stealing an absorb target to killing another changeling.

Make sure you know which of the above is true before you act!

Regardless of Team Objectives, changelings can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does not count towards your personal absorption count.

Changeling Abilities[edit | edit source]

The changeling possesses other dangerous abilities including precooked stinger abilities, which it can fire out of a crafted dart at a moments notice! Their stored chemicals regenerate quickly at a rough set rate of half a chemical per second.

Changelings start with 10 evolution points and can onlt get more by absorbing another changeling. The cost of abilities (if applicable) are listed in parentheses after their entry. By husking a lifeform, the changeling gains the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise. This will reset their evolution points back to the starting 10.

Changelings can store up to 7 DNA strands, acquiring them either by absorbing or DNA stinging people; if they acquire more, the oldest will be overwritten (but will still count for objectives).

Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings and are able to notice they've been stung. If you try to sting someone and they don't react, they might be one too!

Starting Set[edit | edit source]

Ling stasis hud.png Reviving Stasis Ling stasis revive hud.png[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling can fake its death and enter a stasis for a small cost. Some time after entering stasis, the stasis icon Ling stasis hud.png will change to this: Ling stasis revive hud.png. Clicking that icon will then instantly resurrect you and heal all wounds and status effects. Can be used while dead. Renders the changeling very hard to kill, but if its corpse is gibbed or incinerated it won't be able to revive. The revival is manually activated so you can wait for a good opportunity.

Uses 15 chemicals.

Ling regenerate hud.png Regenerate[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling instantly regenerates lost limbs and organs. If it is regenerating limbs, it will make a loud and obvious sound.

Uses 10 chemicals.

Ling transform hud.png Transform[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. It will also mimic their clothing and IDs, if you're not already wearing one in those slots. These fake items will be non-functional but can be deleted by clicking them or by using the Drop Flesh Disguise option from the transformation menu. Uses 5 chemicals.

Ling hivemind channel hud.png Hive Channel[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling can channel a selected genome into the airwaves for other changelings to absorb and use. Also useful for storing important DNA without it being overwritten.

Uses 10 chemicals.

Ling hive absorb hud.png Hive Absorb[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling can absorb DNA from the air that has been channelled by a fellow changeling. Doesn't help the changeling reach their genome objective.

Uses 20 chemicals.

Sting extract.png Extract DNA Sting[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. The changeling can sting a target to extract their genetic information. They can then use the DNA like they just absorbed it. Helps the changeling reach their genome objective.

Uses 25 chemicals.

Ling absorb hud.png Absorb DNA[edit | edit source]

A free evolution. Another way to acquire DNA: the changeling fully drains a body's fluids, husking it in the process and making it uncloneable and unidentifiable. In addition to giving the changeling the DNA, it will also give it a few samples of the victim's memories (including any uplink codes and objectives), and it will allow the changeling to reset their abilities. If you absorb another changeling, your maximum and current chemical storage will increase, and you will gain 5 extra evolution points to spend.

Ling hivemind link hud.png Hivemind Link[edit | edit source]

Allows you to connect another non-changeling to the Hivemind. For when some one agrees to help you for what ever reason. Has the same requirements as Absorb DNA: needs a KILL level grab and a short channel. The victim will be kept stabilized while linked to the hivemind; so don't worry about time constraints.

Abilities Available via Evolution Menu[edit | edit source]

Ling augmented eyesight hud.png Augmented Eyesight[edit | edit source]

The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.

Ling biodegrade hud.png Biodegrade[edit | edit source]

Dissolves restraints or other objects preventing free movement. This is obvious to nearby people, and can destroy standard restraints and closets.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.

Ling chameleon skin hud.png Chameleon Skin[edit | edit source]

Our skin pigmentation rapidly changes to suit our current environment. Allows us to become invisible after a few seconds of standing still. Can be toggled on and off.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.

Ling digital camo hud.png Digital Camouflage[edit | edit source]

Makes the changeling invisible to the AI, and prevents the AI from tracking the changeling's location while active, but makes when examined by others you will be "moving your body in an unnatural and blatantly inhuman manner".

Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Ling adrenaline hud.png Adrenaline Sacs[edit | edit source]

Allows to the changeling to make use of additional adrenaline to instantly recover from all forms of stuns and other inhibiting status effects. This also injects 10u Changeling Adrenaline and 2u Changeling Haste, which together gives about 4 seconds of extreme speed and about 50 seconds of slight reduction of further stuns. These chems will deal 4 toxin damage per use and can deal further toxin damage if overdosed by using the ability more than 3 times in quick succession. High chemical cost.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 30 chemicals.

Ling fleshmend hud.png Fleshmend[edit | edit source]

The changeling will rapidly heal brute and oxygen damage, as well as burn at a slower rate over 10 seconds. Repeated use while the effect is added will restart the regeneration timer, but the user will still heal at the same rate. Cannot be used while burning, but usable while unconscious.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 25 chemicals.

Ling last resort hud.png Last Resort[edit | edit source]

For when you are well and truly fucked. Creates a small explosion, gibs your current body, and spawns a headslug; a creature that can infect a corpse to plant a hidden changeling egg. The changeling egg grows into a monkey changeling after ~180 seconds.
If you're killed while in this form and you haven't infected any corpse, you won't be able to revive!

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling lesser form hud.png Lesser Form Ling human form hud.png[edit | edit source]

The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period of time. Causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using Human Form Ling human form hud.png. Note that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs. Standing on a pile of clothes when turning back to human form will make you automatically put those clothes on.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals and 5 to shift back.

Ling mimic voice hud.png Mimic Voice[edit | edit source]

Allows the changeling to form their voice of a name they enter.

Costs 1 evolution point and slows chemical generation while active.

Arm blade.png Arm Blade[edit | edit source]

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when on harm intent (powered ones will take longer).

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling tentacle hud.png Tentacle[edit | edit source]

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a tentacle. This tentacle can be fired towards a target, with different effects depending on your intent. The tentacle will be used up when fired once. Counts as a ranged weapon. You must stand still when firing it or the target will instantly break loose instead of being pulled to you.

  • Targeting an item: Grabs the item and throws it in your hand.
  • Help intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, without any additional effect.
  • Disarm intent: If the mob has any item in hand, that item will be pulled away and put into the changeling's hand, otherwise it has no effect.
  • Grab intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, aggressively grabbing it once it lands.
  • Harm intent: Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling. If the changeling is also holding a sharp weapon, it'll automatically stab the mob on landing, ignoring armor.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 10 chemicals.

Ling shield.png Organic Shield[edit | edit source]

Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a large, fleshy shield. Blocks or mitigates a number of attacks, the amount increasing by 3 with each genome absorbed.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling organic suit hud.png Organic Space Suit[edit | edit source]

Inflates the changeling's flesh into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue to facilitate space travel. While it's active, you'll also regenerate oxygen damage quickly enough to not need air. Because the suit is made up of the changeling's flesh, it provides no damage resistance and can be injected directly into with syringes. Slows chemical generation while active.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling chitinous armor hud.png Chitinous Armor[edit | edit source]

Inflates the changeling's body into an all-consuming chitinous mass of armor. Provides extensive protection against physical damage, but less against other types. Its mass slows the changeling's movement, and maintaining its shape slows chemical generation.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling panacea hud.png Anatomic Panacea[edit | edit source]

Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvae. Usable while unconscious. Do not use if you are a slimeperson.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Pheromone Receptors[edit | edit source]

A toggled ability that gives a HUD icon when another changeling is in a rather large area around you. If you get closer, the icon will turn into an arrow pointing at the nearest changeling, and if you're very close the icon will become a black diamond. Slows chemical regeneration while active. Invaluable for the "absorb another changeling" objective.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses no chemicals.

Ling resonant shriek hud.png Resonant Shriek[edit | edit source]

The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself and bursting lights in the area, while overloading cyborg sensors. Good for escaping groups or preventing people from fleeing from you.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling dissonant shriek hud.png Dissonant Shriek[edit | edit source]

The changeling emits an EMP, which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Good for escaping borgs and preventing people from shouting over the radio.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Ling spread infestation hud.png Spread Infestation[edit | edit source]

Two spiderlings crawl out of the changeling's mouth, eventually growing into deadly beasts. They will attack the changeling as well, if they see it. IMPORTANT: You need at least 3 DNA absorptions (NOT "Extract DNA" Stings) to unlock this late-game ability.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 45 chemicals.

Ling strained muscles hud.png Strained Muscles[edit | edit source]

The changeling reduces lactic acid buildup in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses no chemicals.

Sting transform.png Transformation Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces their human victim to transform into another. When extracting the sting the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use.

Costs 3 evolution points and uses 50 chemicals.

Sting mute.png Mute Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling silently sting a human, completely silencing them for about thirty seconds. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, until they try to speak and can't.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 20 chemicals.

Sting blind.png Blind Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling silently stings a human, completely blinding them for a short time and rendering them permanently nearsighted. Costs 1 evolution point and uses 25 chemicals.

Sting hallucination.png Hallucination Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling injects large doses of hallucinogenic chemicals into their victim. Effect occurs after 30 to 60 seconds. The victim does not notice they've been stung until they start tripping.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 5 chemicals.

Sting cryo.png Cryogenic Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling injects the target with a blend of chemicals that begins to turn their blood to ice. The victim will walk slower and take some damage over the full duration. Victims wearing armor or insulated material will take more damage, since they are insulated from the ambient warmth. Can be countered with space heaters, coffee, and other warming objects and foods.

Costs 2 evolution points and uses 15 chemicals.

Sting fake armblade.png False Armblade Sting[edit | edit source]

The changeling silently injects a retrovirus that mutates their victim's arm into an armblade. The victim will form an armblade much like a changeling would, except the armblade is dull and useless. The transformation occurs immediately after the sting, and will last for about a minute.

Costs 1 evolution point and uses 20 chemicals.

Tips[edit | edit source]

  • As a changeling, the absolute best item for you to get is a wallet (From the crew quarters, in either cabin's personal closet, in the leather satchel.) It goes in your ID slot and holds up to 4 ids, all of which work for automatic access and none of which change your mouse over identity.
  • Only take a few abilities at round start! Once you take an ability, it is locked in unless you husk someone. Husking someone is time-consuming, leaves obvious evidence, sort of dickish, and if anyone interrupts you then you're boned. If you leave a few slots open, though, you can easily adapt to whatever shit you find yourself in.
  • Transformation Sting is robust. Not only does it confuse the fuck out of people and is silent, but it's easier to hide in a forest than on an open plain. Make 555 of the guy you are changing into for more genomes. Transform the guy you are husking/impersonating into someone else, so you're the only one. Transform a ling who is caught if the scene is chaotic enough that he might escape. The possibilities are endless. ADDED: Wear some generic clothes from arrivals or locker room. Then if somebody's chasing you, run out of their line of sigh, quickly transform and run backwards.
  • As a ling you are able to explore space, either staying as a regening corpse until you hit something or through a combination of fleshmend, engorged chem sacs, and a fire suit.
    • There are edible clown corpses on the clown shuttle.
    • You can of course find spaced people randomly, which is a great way to pick up an identity provided everyone doesn't know they were spaced.
    • Or just use organic space suit
    • Cryosting is very robust on people with insulation which makes it really effective in space, where they won't have a choice about staying dressed up in their suit.
  • Hive channel is free genome storage for identities.
  • Mimic voice and subverted AI, or mimic voice and digital camo go a LONG way in completely getting the crew against each other (ie: "one day, woody got wood").
  • Keep in mind that if you space yourself and let your corpse husk from the burn damage you'll still be a husk when you get back up. You can clear this effect by transforming to another form and back again. You could also buy voice changing and play a zombie.
  • Blind sting + Lesser form = Freedom
    • Cryo Sting + Lesser form = Freedom
    • LSD Sting + Lesser form = Maybe freedom if it reaches the point of holodamage knockouts.
  • Mute Sting + Cryo Sting + Blind Sting + Stun Prod, applied directly to forehead = easy, unrobust kill
  • Don't be the person who goes ";g absorbing captain in maint" USE YOUR PERIODS

Tips for Fighting Against Changelings[edit | edit source]

  • Changelings do not need heads, and brains are therefore vestigial. Don't debrain a changeling while the body walks out of the door behind you.
  • As long as you can talk and you're within 1 tile of an intercom, you can type :i in front of what you say to say it over the intercom. Even when you're stunned and/or on the ground.
  • If you get cryostung as a Security Officer, remove your armor and helmet. REMOVE THEM. Or else you will die. Sec armor has somehow some heat tampering properties, which means you won't heat up as much as you would normally be, and will consequently die of cold. Same goes if you are wearing an hardsuit/space protective gear/anything that could have thermal properties. If you get cryo'd, REMOVE THOSE THINGS ASAP.
  • The bane of lings is N2O. None of their powers will help them. Unless they use internals.
  • Never fight a Changeling alone if you can help it. Unless they're hilariously unrobust, chances are they will almost always win a melee confrontation. The best tactic is to get a buddy to stun the changeling while you handcuff/beat it to death and take it to be gibbed/cremated.
  • Changeling flesh clothing is completely cosmetic/non-functional and cannot be removed. If during a strip-search you can't remove an article of clothing from a person, chances are they're a Changeling unless they're cursed in some way.
  • A 100 potassium/water explosive lance has a one-tile gibbing radius, useful for permanently taking out changelings without too much collateral damage.
  • Gibber machines are easy to construct, and if you leave one in a well trafficked area, its hard to take one out without any witnesses. Even then, they're easy to replace and somewhat expendable.
Jobs on


Command Captain, Executive Officer, Bridge Staff
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Brig Physician
Engineering Chief Engineer, Ship Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Chemist, Geneticist, Virologist, Paramedic
Service Janitor, Staff Judge Advocate, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator
Munitions Master At Arms, Munitions Technician, Flight Leader, Fighter Pilot, Air Traffic Controller
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Civilian Assistant, Gimmick
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Heretic, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Bloodling, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Swarmers, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Creep, Fugitives, Hunters, Syndicate Drop Trooper
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian
Game Modes on


In Rotation Traitor, Incursion, Galactic Conquest, Blood Cult, Wizard, Monkey, Nuclear Emergency, Bloodling, Extended
Overmap Patrol, Shakedown, Armada, Courier, Galactic Conquest
Special Modes Planetary Assault
Removed Gang War, Devil, Overthrow, Legacy Modes, Revolution, Changeling