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Genus: Esezesu. Ah izke
Homeworld: Ziokah
Central Authority: Draconian Empire
Restricted Job Roles: N/A
Guides: No external guides

Not to be confused with the little lizards.

Functionally Lizards are mostly identical to Humans mechanics wise, with the main difference being their inefficient temperature regulation (them being Ectotherms), only weakly counteracting cold, and not having any mitigation against extreme heat. They do, however, generally tolerate warmer temperatures than most species and feel most comfortable at ~30-60°C.

History[edit | edit source]

Artists Impression of first contact between Humanity and Lizardkind

When humanity first made contact with lizardfolk, it was during a major battle between the three moons. Two of the three participants had attacked the Nanotrasen research vessel on sight. The weapons they used were primitive by humanity’s standards at the time and so they were easily dispatched by the research vessel’s defenses and weaponry. The third party however, didn’t attack but instead opened communications and talked first, opting to shoot later if the conversation got out of control. It was here that they first established diplomatic contact.

Shortly after their first diplomatic contact, full introductions with the aid of translators established a non-aggression was made and subsequently military aid was given to the war party to establish peace on the lizard homeworld and moons. The lizardfolk were uplifted with nanotrasen technology and weapons to win the war and establish control over all three moons.

Afterwards, they would incorporate the newly established Draconian Empire into the Federation along with The Solar Confederate Government and Nanotrasen though much of humanity wouldn’t agree with this and it would begin a dark age of prejudice and specism against the lizardfolk.

Echoes of Humanity's dark distant past and their treatment of alien species remain well entrenched in modern day Human society. All alien species, including Lizardfolk, have been treated as second class citizens in Human society.

Nanotrasen made history with the creation, and signing, of the Species Equality Act which paved the way for Lizardfolk to be hired into low level jobs on-board Nanotrasen space stations, typically janitorial positions, as well as being the first corporation in existence to sign such a act. However, in 2187 an amendment to the Species Equality Act, known as article 66, authorized the promotion and hiring of Lizardfolk into most available station based roles as well as the first aliens to be allowed aboard Nanotrasen spaceships.

This proved to be a significantly controversial amendment that was met with great disapproval at first, undeterred the change was pushed through by Nanotrasen. However the threat of the United Earth Government terminating Nanotrasen's top secret plasma mining contract forced the addition of article 67 which barred Lizardfolk from assuming a command level role outside of extreme circumstances. Nanotrasen was quick to use their new Lizardfolk employees to shore up gaps in their workforce.

With the addition of more and more species from outer worlds, further addendums were made to the Species Equality Act that protected all species rights to work alongside human kind with a final addendum, article 73, that allowed any species to take any position aboard a station or Nanotrasen space vessel. Making a bold step in allowing species equality in positions of power. Though alien species, as far as Nanotrasen has written and humanity is concerned, will never be allowed the positions of high command such as Admiral, Fleet Admiral, or Vice Admiral.

This is a record of the history of the major lizardfolk clans, who have existed for millenia alongside humanity in this universe but have only encountered each other for the last hundred years. While human history records are very accessible and common in human civilizations, the same cannot be said for the history of the lizard race. These entries will make lizard history more accessible to those interested.

While lizard civilization varies greatly, a substantial part of lizard life was made up of the great lizard clans. Such clans were the equivalent of human dynasties and ruled worlds, solar systems, even entire galactic subsectors. The largest clans were the Trita , Giram, and Zerrudiss clans. All three clans still exist though now under the control of the current queen of the Draconian Empire, Meageic Shiro Darastrixi.

Xenoecology Entry: Lizardfolk - Esezesu Ah izke[edit | edit source]

Written by Elise Garnier

The Lizardfolk come from a planet that has long since been abandoned by their people, but before the Lizardfolk’s endless struggle against itself, their world was an arid desert. Such a world gave birth to reptilian dominated evolution and eventually these sapient bipedal reptiles with a rich and violent culture based upon the idea of a zero-sum game. This has been covered in the many documents about their violent history, however the effects of this on their biology has not been delineated.

Due to evolving on a hot, arid planet, Lizardfolk are cold-blooded which makes working in space more dangerous for them than the average humanoid. The most predominant lizards that evolved from their genetic lineage were carnivorous, as such the modern Lizardfolk are entirely carnivorous and quickly grow sick when consuming grains or dairy. Their longer tongues have a minor impact on their accent when speaking Galactic Common, elongating their ‘s’ sounds and often hissing speech through tight lips. Their skin and scales are sought after for their unique and tough leather, which doesn’t bode well for their treatment as a part of the Solgov Lead Federation. Lizardfolk reproduce through sexual reproduction which takes the form of a single internally incubated egg which hatches within the mother to lead into live birth, the shell being reabsorbed by the body. Some extremely rare cases have documented females bearing a child when there is a distinct lack of male presence, although this trait of asexual reproduction doesn’t appear to be shared among the entirety of the lizardfolk race and is considered a rare but not unheard of, genetic anomaly.

Sadly their homeworld has become nothing but barren rock and desolate sand as a result of pre-contact conflict, however their three moons have been fully terraformed and colonized in their home system. Draconians have come a long way from their violent heritage and have found themselves nestled into the de-facto second class like many other non-humans. Having been given full civil rights by the federation, most can still be found in the lower class jobs managing and maintaining the inner workings of ship weapons, infrastructure and machines. Although the race as a whole are slowly but surely working their way into higher ranking positions, there still exists a prejudice, due to their history which many lizards are either proud of, ashamed of, or are totally indifferent to.

Roleplay[edit | edit source]

Lizardmen names are based on Verbs-The-Nouns, an example being Eats-The-Lemons or Stuns-The-Perp. There are no enforced restrictions on a name a Lizardperson can use (sans standard name rules) meaning you do not have to adhere to the Adjective-The-Nouns system but you should.

Generally Lizardpeople tend to form close knit communities with other Lizardpeople, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Lizardpeople on stations or ships but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered over the years by Humans. While many Humans are somewhat racist towards Lizardpeople many Lizards tend to hold little ill will towards Humans, however some Lizardpeople can be just as racist towards Humans if not more so and are usually singled out as such.

Syndicate and fringe criminal organizations are surprisingly welcoming toward Lizardpeople, whether this is due to them being genuinely progressive or them simply needing anyone of the right skill sets to work for them, the attitude is appreciated among the Lizardpeople that work with them and usually ensures a near unbreakable loyalty. Often appealing to their sense of being oppressed or controlled by a greater evil to win them over.

Amusingly Lizardpeople who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how NT Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personnel which thus encourages high loyalty, that and a big paycheck.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Lizardpeople are a optional playable race. You can make a lizard character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as skin color, spines and antennae. Lizards attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also tend to hiss when talking(because of their tongue) and are more resistant to heat and less to cold.

Random names for lizardpeople are hypenated. They are generated by taking two names from a gender-specific list of lizard names.

You can speak in Draconic, a language understood by lizardpeople (as well as silicons, the Curator and IPCs) by preceding your speech with ,o. To speak on the radio in Draconic, use the radio code first, i.e., "; ,o Hello lizardsss!" You can also set your default language to Draconic with the language button on the HUD.

Jobs on


Command Captain, Executive Officer, Bridge Staff
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective, Brig Physician
Engineering Chief Engineer, Ship Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Chemist, Geneticist, Virologist, Paramedic
Service Janitor, Staff Judge Advocate, Bartender, Cook, Botanist, Clown, Mime, Chaplain, Curator
Munitions Master At Arms, Munitions Technician, Flight Leader, Fighter Pilot, Air Traffic Controller
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Civilian Assistant, Gimmick
Non-human AI, Cyborg, Positronic Brain, Drone, Personal AI, Construct, Ghost
Antagonists Traitor, Malfunctioning AI, Changeling, Heretic, Nuclear Operative, Blood Cultist, Bloodling, Revolutionary, Wizard, Blob, Abductor, Holoparasite, Xenomorph, Spider, Swarmers, Revenant, Morph, Nightmare, Space Ninja, Slaughter Demon, Pirate, Sentient Disease, Creep, Fugitives, Hunters, Syndicate Drop Trooper
Special CentCom Official, Death Squad Officer, Emergency Response Officer, Chrono Legionnaire, Highlander, Ian