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Start Guider

Guider gjorda för att göra dina första steg på stationen extremt lättare (och för att påminna ni gamla spelare om några saker).

Service Guides

Medical Guides

Guides for keeping the crew alive.

Engineering Guides

Guides for constructing, repairing and keeping the station hospitable.

Science Guides

Guides on how to SCIENCE!

Security Guides

These guides will help you keep peace on the station.

Munitions Guides

Guides on how to make torp and fire missile.

Antagonist Guides

By now you've probably noticed that most of the job and/or location -pages have the last chapter dedicated to tips for antagonists. Here are a few guides dedicated to that.

Development and Contribution Guides

Guides to help you improve the game, wiki and such.

Other Guides

These guides didn't fit into any other category.

The NSV13 Library NSVBannerGuide.png
Starter Recreational Medical Engineering Science Security Munitions Antagonists Silicon Misc.
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