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Here are some songs you can try out with the "Import"-button on the piano. You can make your own songs from any midi file (only 1 midi instrument track preferable) with midi2piano which can be found on the git source code under tools\midi2piano\midi2piano\bin\x86\Release.

(If someone is offended about their imported song having been copied on to this page, we are sorry. No one is taking any credit of these, everyone is equally free to enjoy these and the only goal of these songs is to make the game experience more enjoyable.)

Do not be quick to replace old pieces with new pieces without extensive testing. The new Midi2piano is not necessarily 100% better in 100% of cases (it usually is.) and it might still spit out pieces too complex for instruments like bike horns.


Code template for adding new songs:

|notes={{{BPM and notes}}}

This page became uneditable, so the remaining songs have been split into multiple pages.