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Command Area
More like a bigger and more inclusive emergency closet
Obvious exits South to Central Primary Hallway, North to Gateway
Purpose Storage of high value items
Access level EVA Access
Noteworthy contents RCD, a couple of Suit Storage Units with space suits, a few pairs of magboots, construction materials, Hand Teleporter, Teleporter
Clearance Captain, Executive Officer, Chief Engineer, Research Director
Security level High
Style Storage
Balance Requirements No major balance requirements
Other Notes
NSVBanner299.png Locations on NSV13

E.V.A. stands for Extra-Vehicular Activity, which means, in our case, spacewalking. The room can be accessed from the Central Primary Hallway, and is located just down the hall of the Research Division and in front of Engineering.
Heads of Departments, who don't have their own space suit immediately available, have access to come and get a space suits from here.

Suit Storage Unit.png Suit Storage Units

These advanced containers have a ultraviolet cleaning system for the suits. Rumors that these can be hacked to "clean" crewmates are totally unfounded. Inside each storage unit you can obtain:

If the storage unit is open and all the contents are taken out, you can hide from the incoming traitor looking for the last person alive, or from the incoming security officers looking for you.

So You're a Traitor

A lot of useful equipment is in this room, and resources aplenty. Sadly, it is locked, and the windows are there just to taunt you as the grilles under them are electrified and will electrocute and stun anyone who touches them, unless you really really want to take the time to beat the shit out of the grille with a shard of glass. A better option is to ask the AI to let you in, which they are obligated to do.

The RCD located in the top left crate comes with three matter cartridges, so you'll be able to start committing nefarious activities right away. The space suits that are in the same room as the RCD are slow at best -- you'll find that if you try to escape wearing these, you'll be caught and arrested faster than the clown is at the beginning of the round. You can also use the (hand) teleporter to get out of there but if you do it means other people will be able to follow you through the portal if they are right behind you unless you were quick enough to grab an EVA suit and the hand teleporter brings you to space.

If you don't want to use a jetpack while in space, grab a pair of magboots, as they prevent you from slipping while taking space walks. Just don't forget to turn them on first.

NSVBanner299.png Locations on Hammerhead
General Service Medical Cargo Science Engineering Security Munitions Command Outside