Medical items. Used to usually heal people.
The items for diagnosing the patient.
 Health Analyzer
Found in: Medical Storage, O2 Emergency Lockers all over the station Used for: Determining the patient's damage Strategy: Use it on your patient and see readings
Whip this out and use it on someone to see a summary of their condition. As a medical professional, your PDA also has a built in Health Analyzer, just make sure to activate it before use. The results are broken up into sections:
- Overall health percentage
- Damage Type
- Blood Type
- Medical ID
- Temperature
- Infection warning (only appears if there is one)
An ideal reading:
Analyzing Results for [Character Name]:
Overall Status: 100% healthy
Damage Specifics: 0-0-0-0
Key: Suffocation/Toxin/Burns/Brute
Body Temperature: 34.3943°C (93.91°F)
Localized Damage, Burn/Brute:
Limbs are OK.
Subject bloodstream oxygen level normal | Subject bloodstream toxin level minimal | Subject burn injury status O.K | Subject brute-force injury status O.K
 Pen Light
Found in: Medical Storage, Genetics Used for: Determining the patient's eye condition or if the patient is alive Strategy: Toggle the light on, aim for the eyes and use on the patient
Works like a flashlight, but with a much lower brightness. Used to identify blindness and x-ray vision - to use, target a patient's eyes.
 Mass Spectrometer
Found in: Medical Storage, Virology, Chemistry Used for: For seeing what reagents the patient has in their bloodstream Strategy: Draw blood from the patient with a syringe, inject the blood into the Mass Spectrometer
A hand-held mass spectrometer which identifies trace chemicals in a blood sample.
Basic Treatments
These are your basic go-to items for stabilizing casualties and treating everyday brute, burn, toxin and oxygen deprivation damage. Every good medical professional should keep a few of these on them in case of emergency. Chances are you'll need them in a hurry.
Used to cure brute damage. Target the area with brute damage and apply. This works even on those in critical condition, so if someone has stabilized the casualty, either by Inaprovaline or by giving CPR, whip out your Health Analyzer and apply where needed. Come in stacks of five. The chemical equivalent is Bicaridine.
Exactly the same as the bruise pack, except it is used to treat burn damage.
Chemical equivalents are Kelotane and Dermaline.
Your go-to stock chemical for curing toxin damage. One unit of Anti-Toxin will cure five units of damage. Administer either by syringe or pill.
The chemical name for Anti-Toxin is Dylovene.
A very handy chemical to have to hand in an emergency, Inaprovaline will stabilize anyone in critical condition, and temporarily prevent them from dying in front of you, just like CPR. Inject into the casualty and commence treatment quickly before it wears off.
Chemical equivalent: Dexalin. This chemical is usually found as a pill in emergency oxygen-deprivation kits. It will rapidly cure oxygen deprivation damage, but note that this will also heal over time so long as the casualty is not in critical condition and has enough oxygen. As this is widespread around the station, and oxygen deprivation is readily reversed in non-critical cases, it is less important to have than the others.
Found in: Medical Storage, Chemistry Used for: Injecting medicine, taking blood samples Strategy: Apply it while in hand to toggle inject or draw mode
A syringe is a container especially used for holding liquids. They have two modes -- inject and draw. While in draw mode, a syringe takes liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers and even people 5 mg at a time. While in inject mode it will push its contents 5 mg at a time into a target, including other containers. Syringes can be injected into food and drinks, even those still sitting on a table.
A syringe can hold up to 15 mg of liquid and will survive reactions happening inside of it in spite of appearances.
They are most often found inside syringe boxes in the open around medbay or in medical lockers or in medical crates ordered from the Quartermaster. Medical dispensers also provide a number of empty syringes.
Empty syringes can be found in boxes located around Medbay. Specialised pre-filled syringes can also found in Medical kits, such as Anti-Toxin or Inaprovaline. Spaceacillin syringes are also in Medical dispensers.
 Syringe Gun
Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Tranquilizing the chucklefucks Strategy: Load the gun with a syringe filled with whatever and shoot at the patient
Fire at people at a range with a syringe, useful if choral hydrate or acid is in the needles. Not good for medicine applications (does minor damage each hit).
A fast syringe that can be loaded with up to 30 ml of any chemical, and injected instantly unlike normal syringes. The patient feels a tiny prick!
Found in: Chemistry, Medical Storage, R&D Lab Used for: Applying medicine quickly, small amounts at a time Strategy: Fill with medicine, apply to patient
A dropper is a container used for holding 5ml of liquids. An empty dropper will store liquids from other liquid containers such as bottles and beakers. Once full, you can squirt the contents of the dropper at any target adjacent or below you, including other liquid containers, or on people's faces.
This is a container specifically for holding liquids. They are most commonly found in Medbay and Chemistry Lab. It is ill-advised always a great idea to splash whatever you find in a beaker onto your face and neck, or if possible, to inject it straight into your veins with a syringe.
Standard glass Beakers hold 50 units of liquid.
Large Breaker hold 100 units of liquid, but they are less common, thus, more valued.
A Bottle is a smaller version of a Beaker and can be made by a Chemist from a ChemMaster 3000 and are mostly used to fill syringes. A bottle holds up to 30 units of liquid.
Medical Gear
Clothes and other equipment made especially for the doctors.
Medical Kits
These are stocked in medbay and some other locations on-station. Remember that you can always order more from cargo if you run out. Roboticists can use these to make medibots once they're empty, and these make your job a lot easier, so don't be shy about taking them over to their desk when you have a moment. Oddly, scientists some times pick these up and steal body armor from security while cackling madly. It's probably nothing to worry about. To use a medical kit, both hands must be free. Pick up the medical kit and select the empty hand. Now click on your kit and it should open like a backpack, with the supplies inside, which you can remove, place into your free hand and use.
 First-Aid Kit a.k.a. Medkit
Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for the most common injuries Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients
Useful for most cases (brute and burn damage) you will witness on the station. Even the most basic assistant can bring many people back from the brink of death with the help of this kit.
 Toxin First-Aid Kit
Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for toxin damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients
This kit is for the treatment of toxin damage. You can even choose how you'd like to administer the medicine, through a syringe or by feeding a pill (both are equally hard to do).
 Fire First-Aid Kit
Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for burn damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients
This kit is for the treatment of burn damage.
 Oxygen Deprivation First-Aid Kit
Found in: Medical Storage Used for: Carrying medicine for suffocation damage Strategy: Use the contents to heal patients
This kit is for the treatment of suffocation damage.
Machinery and Facilities
These are the vital machines that you need to treat abnormally damaging injuries. You need to be able to access the Medbay to use any of these.
If you have nothing in your active hand, you will wash everything on your self. Suggested uses include washing stun batons, along with other medical items.
50pxSleeper & Sleeper Console
Used to stabilize patients. Sleepers contain an unlimited supply of five different chemicals. If the patient is in critical condition, sleepers can only administer Inaprovaline. They can not heal toxin or clone damage.
Note: If someone only has burn and brute damage, eject them from cryo once they're reasonably far out of crit, then put them in the sleeper and fill them with Bicaridine and Dermaline. At busy times this will free up cryo for people who need it more, and it saves chemicals.

Cryogenics Chamber & Freezer
These high-tech devices can bring crewmembers back from the brink of death. The station starts with two, but they have to be set up first. It automatically stabilizes people in critical condition, and will safely lower a patient's body temperature to levels at which Cryoxadone and Clonexadone are effective. These chemicals will heal all damage types, and are the only way to fix clone loss caused by cloning and slime feeding.
- Make sure to do this beforehand, possibly in anticipation of injured people.
- Wrench both O2 Canisters onto the manifolds. Only cryogenic temperature O2 works in the tubes.
- Load each cryogenic chamber with Clonexadone or Cryoxadone inside, with Clonexadone as the priority chemical. You can use other chemicals, but cryogenic chemicals heal the best in cryogenic temperatures.
- Set the freezer to the lowest degrees Kelvin possible, and make sure that it's turned on. The colder the chamber, the more O2 used and the faster the effects of the drugs in the cryo tube.
- Remove any insulating clothes from the patient, such as space suits or insulated gloves.
- Grab the person and stuff them in the chamber. They will begin to chill, make sure their body temperature is under 170 K.
- Set the chamber's setting to "On". This enables the drugs to flow into the patient.
- Monitor the patient until they are fully healed.
- Turn off the chamber, or else you waste medicine.
- Eject the patient and wake them.
- Make sure that you have an adequate supply of cryogenic drugs. If you're all out, go bother Chemistry for more.
- Ensure the chambers have a beaker of Clonexadone or Cryoxadone inside. They both heal the standard damage types at the same rate, but Clonexadone will heal genetic deformities three times faster than Cryoxadone. A mixture of the two will heal people even faster than either on its own.
- You can use other chemicals, but they don't benefit from the cold environment.
- Ensure there is enough O2 to chill the chambers.
- Ensure no pipes are out of place, if any are loose, line them up and wrench them back into place. If any are broken, get an atmospheric technician to repair it.
50pxDNA Scanner & DNA Scanner Access Console
These can't create new bodies but only change existing ones - monkey to human (or vice versa), discovering superpowers, healing genetic defects... or just making everybody look and sound exactly like you. They can also output single-use injectors for remote genetic wizardry.

DNA Scanner, Cloning Console & Cloning Pod
A machine with the power to reverse death itself - as long as there's something to scan. The paranoid can check in at any time but the typical patient is dead on arrival. See here or check out a copy of Cloning techniques of the 26th century for instructions.
Operating Computer & Operating Table
A major part in all surgery. Only medical doctors and the CMO have access to surgery.
50pxChem Dispenser
This machine provides the chemist with most of the raw materials to ply his trade. Contains 100 regenerating energy points. Every 10 units of reagent costs one energy point. It remains on during a power outage, though it will not recharge points unless it is receiving power.
A beaker or other liquid holding device has to be put inside for it to preform it's function. The units of chemicals it gives out vary depending on what it is set to.
Chemicals produced: See here for a list of chemicals.
50pxChemMaster 3000
Separates, bottles, and makes tablets out of the chemical you loaded inside. Just select the amount of each chemical you with to work with. Ejecting a beaker while working on a chemical will make the chemical go to waste. You can only make 50 unit pills, and 30 unit bottles this way.
Reagent Grinder
Grinds, crushes, liquefies and extracts reagents from materials placed into it. If there is a significant reagent associated with the item, the Reagent grinder will distill a pure sample inside the collection beaker.
Works on:
- Refined sheets of mined minerals (plasma, gold, uranium, bananium, and silver)
- Grown foods (bananas, liberty caps, corn, carrots, and chilies)
- Other grown items (nettles and death nettles)
Morgue Tray
Holds one person (preferably dead) on the tray within.