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== Mission Objectives ==
Note: These mixtures are usually poured into a glass (50 units), and are typically mixed in a shaker (100 units). If there are several reagents in the glass, it will get the look of the drink with the largest amount of units.
|name=Staff Sergeant Angela Deth
|text=Listen up people, cause I'm not going to scream this twice! I've lately heard from a little bird on the Grapevine that the Brass has finally gotten around to talking about assigning us a Mission, as such I've decided that it's time to refresh that brain of yours with the various possible assignments we might get. So let's get to it Marines!
At the start of every round the ship is given a randomly chosen assignment, this assignment has sub-objectives attached to it, which all need to be completed before you are allowed to vote on either, [[Beyond the impossible|Continuing Onwards]] with a newly given Objective, or Returning to Outpost 45 for debriefing.  
A drink's strength determines how quickly a drinker gets drunk and how much it improves the chances of success in [[Surgery|surgery]] when applied externally.<br>
These objectives can be anywhere between having to calmly deliver supplies to some station, two jumps away from Rubicon, to downright having to plow through five Syndicate fleets, alongside a ''small'' pirate fleet, while the engine room is on freaking fire.
<span class="mw-customtoggle-0" style="font-size:small; display:inline-block; float:right;"><span class="mw-customtoggletext">[Show/hide]</span></span> '''A Quick, comprehensible list of what a drink will do to you.'''
<div id="mw-customcollapsible-0" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
=== Patrol Duty ===
0: Non-alcoholic.<br>
1-10: Barely classifiable as alcohol - occasional slurring.<br>c
|name=Staff Sergeant Angela Deth
11-20: Slight alcohol content - slurring.<br>
|text=Patrol Duty, the lifeblood of the navy and the only thing keeping the Syndicate on their toes, our navy from being mothballed and our guns from gathering dust. It also serves to remind the outlaws that although we might be in the middle of a war, we still have not forgotten about their existence.
21-30: Below average - imbiber begins to look slightly drunk.<br>
31-40: Just below average - no unique effects.<br>
41-50: Average - mild disorientation, imbiber begins to look drunk.<br>
The Patrol Assignment is one out of four assignments you can potentially roll at the start of every shift depending on the amount of players.
51-60: Just above average - disorientation, vomiting, imbiber begins to look heavily drunk.<br>
61-70: Above average - small chance of blurry vision, imbiber begins to look smashed.<br>
The minimum amount of players required in order to roll this assignment is: '''10 Players'''.
71-80: High alcohol content - blurry vision, imbiber completely shitfaced.<br>
81-90: Extremely high alcohol content - heavy toxin damage, passing out.<br>
This assignment has a single Objective attached to it and that objective is to gather: '''1000 Faction Points'''.
91-100: Dangerously toxic - swift death.<br>
The current ways you can gather 1000 points is to do one, or more, of the following things:
===Basic Drink Ingredients===
* Hunt down Syndicate and Pirate Fleets.<br>
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
* Capture Star Systems using the F.L.A.R.E. device which can be found in the Vault on certain maps.
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Picture
! style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Cocktail
=== Shakedown ===
! style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Strength
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Taste
|name=Staff Sergeant Angela Deth
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Ingredients
|text=The vessel we're being assigned to is fresh from the shipyard, she hasn't even had her maiden voyage yet, nor has she earned any scars yet, but that's all in due time, currently we've been given the task of taking this lady out for a spin.
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Drink Description
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Notes
=== Courier Duty ===
|name=Staff Sergeant Angela Deth
|text=Courier Duty, even in the middle of a war the mail still has to be delivered, no matter how many syndicate fleets we must plow through, whether we're delivering vital cargo that could help save a system, to simply delivering the party supplies some station at the front-line ordered. We're the one's who have to ensure it gets there, no matter what stands in our way.
=== Boarding ===
|name=Staff Sergeant Angela Deth
|text=Remember the various times the Syndicate sent their little drop troopers to wreck havoc inside our ships? Well guess what Marines? Playtime's freaking over! I've just got word from command, we are going on a little field-trip of our own, in order to steal ourselves one of their Ships.
The Boarding Assignment is one out of four assignments you can potentially roll at the start of every shift depending on the amount of players.
<span style=“Font-Family:Audiowide”>Test</span>
The minimum amount of players required in order to roll this assignment is: '''14 Players'''.
This assignment has a single Objective attached to it, with the objective in question being to Board and Capture a Marked Syndicate Vessel.
==== The Setup ====
Before you even consider boarding a Syndicate Vessel you need multiple things.
# You require a Target.
#* The toughest part of boarding a ship, is to find a ship to actually board.
# You need a [[Fighter Pilot|Pilot]] capable of flying the Sabre.
#* You can have a squad of Midshipmen geared up for boarding duty, however unless you have a pilot capable of actually getting them somewhere, they're not going to be very useful.
#** Make sure there is at least one backup pilot with you in the event that the first one eats a bullet.
# Make sure everyone who's partaking in the boarding action is assigned into [[Squads]].
#* Those in squads have roles assigned to them, usually alongside a space-worthy suit of armor.
# Make sure everyone has a gun that's actually useful and not loaded with non-lethal ammunition.
#* There are firing pins that only work during boarding actions, install them into those guns in order to ensure that [[Traitor|nobody]] tries using them for something stupid back home, and to deny anyone seeking to [[Syndicate Drop Trooper|return the favour]] from having multiple working weapons at their disposal.
# <big>'''TBA'''</big>
==== Death Wish ====
Before you can initiate the boarding procedure, you need to damage the targeted vessel to the point where it's point defense systems are no longer fully effective, which usually happens when the enemy vessel has around 50%, or less, of it's hull integrity remaining.<br>
Upon which you need to lock it down which is called a Hammerlock<br>
You can check if you are capable of hammerlocking an enemy ship by using this console. [[File:EWAR Scrambler.gif]]
That console is found on the Bridge, as such it's up to the bridge officers, or whoever is on the bridge, to hammerlock it.
Upon locking down a ship for boarding, the vessel will cease returning fire and the sabre/drop ship, can now "safely" approach the disabled vessel for the next step of the plan.
This part of the plan is usually where things tend to start going ballistic ''fast''.
When approaching the boarding target, the pilot needs to activate the docking mode on their craft and then carefully fly into the vessel, if they don't have the docking mode engaged when they make contact with the ship, then they'll slam into the ship like a bug splattering across a windscreen.
Upon docking with the Syndicate vessel you will have to navigate closer to the hull of the syndicate vessel before you can allow your bundle of well-trained [[Security Officer|Military-]][[Assistant|grade]] [[Clown|Clowns]] to exit the clown vehicle.
===== Full Force Forward =====
So, you've successfully managed to get onboard a syndicate ship, well done, now what do you do?
Well, first of all you have to get into cover, the primary reason for this is because the Syndicate Navy is staffed purely by Lemmings, and as everybody knows.<br>
Lemmings tend to be extremely suicidal, to the point where if one of the crew members, onboard the Syndicate ship, suddenly spots you then chance of the ship suddenly gaining a new hole, due to a small accident involving the natural laws of bullets and a few Thermonuclear warheads, just '''''skyrocketed.'''''
The secondary reason for getting into cover is due to the fact that no military vessel in space exists without a sufficient amount of point-defence to defend itself [[Byond the impossible|against the swarm of fighters seeking to touch it in uncomfortable areas]], and these turrets, who are usually only used to destroy incoming fighter crafts, can just as happily tear your little body to shreds.
So, after keeping that information in mind, you need to find either an airlock, the hangar, a window or you can just plain old, [[Illicit Access|make your own explosive entrance]], any method is fine, so long as you get inside the ship.  
So now that everybody has gotten inside the ship and perhaps put up a few defensive positions, you need to carefully ration out your ammo so you don't run out of it in the middle of a fight, and also make sure [[Byond the impossible|nobody dies]].
Now if a bunch of people suddenly decides to run on ahead, don't worry because your chances of survival just increased by 2%
This is due to the fact that those who ran ahead haven't had their [[Terminology#Graytide|bloodlust sated in approximately five seconds]].
Best case scenario, they'll have died somewhere taking down a few of the syndicate crew with them.
Worst case scenario, they'll have slaughtered everything onboard the ship and are now thirsting for more.
[[File:SyndieBridge.png|thumb|right|The computer surrounded by the lime green box is the primary objective.]]
== [[File:Circuitboard.png|64px]] Circuits ==
[[File:Module.png]] Refered to in the code as id_mod and is the default icon for all circuit boards.<br>
[[File:Door electronics.png]] Default icon for all electronics if they aren't set to have their own icon.<br>
[[File:Power mod.png]] Refered to in the code as power_mod and is the icon used for the power control module that's installed in APCs.<br>
[[File:AirAlarmElectronics.png]] Refered to in the code as airalarm_electronics and is the icon used for the air alarm and Airlock Controller electronics.<br>
[[File:Mainboard.png]] Refered to in the code as mainboard and is the icon used for both firelock electronics and certain exosuit circuit boards.<br>
[[File:FiringBoard.png]] Refered to in the code as mcontroller and is the icon used for certain exosuit circuit boards alongside the firing electronics from old munitions.<br>
[[File:Circuitboard.png]] Refered to in the code as std_mod and is the default icon for all AI upload modules and Exosuit boards.<br>
[[File:Commandboard.png]] Refered to in the code as command and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Genericboard.png]] Refered to in the code as generic and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Securityboard.png]] Refered to in the code as security and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Scienceboard.png]] Refered to in the code as science and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Serviceboard.png]] Refered to in the code as service and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Medicalboard.png]] Refered to in the code as medical and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Engineeringboard.png]] Refered to in the code as engineering and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
[[File:Supplyboard.png]] Refered to in the code as supply and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.<br>
==[[File:Circuit.png|64px]] Circuit Imprinter==
* The Circuit Imprinter requires glass and occasionally gold or diamond.  Here you will find circuits for most of the station's machinery and robotics' exosuits. With gold and diamonds, you can also make AI law modules.
* Information on how to construct machines is available at the [[Guide to advanced construction]].
===Engineering Department Circuit Imprinter===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|+Manufacturing List
! class="unsortable" |Icon
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Radio Mini.png]]||Network Card
|Computer Hardware
|Death and Licorice
|Computer Parts
|1 part Absinthe
|A powerful alcoholic drink. Rumored to cause hallucinations but does not.
|{{row-bg-mats| |250|100|100| | | | | | | | }}
||Has a chance to cause hallucinations. <br> '''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or Booze-O-Mat extra-strong absinthe, 100 units each.
|[[File:Radio card.png]]||Advanced Network Card
|Computer Hardware
|Hearty Barley Ale
|Computer Parts
|1 part ale
|A warm pint of delicious ale.
|{{row-bg-mats| |500|200|200| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 6 bottles Magm-Ale, 30 units each. Or from the Service borg shaker.
|[[File:Net Wired.png]]||Wired Network Card
|Computer Hardware
|An honest day's work at the orchard
|Computer Parts
|1 part applejack
|The perfect beverage for when you feel the need to horse around.
|{{row-bg-mats| |2500|400|400| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Buckin' Bronco's Applejack.
|[[File:Data Disk 6.png]]||Data Disk
!{{anchor|Apple Juice}}Apple Juice
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|1 part apple juice
|The sweet juice of an apple, fit for all ages.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |800|200| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' Juice an [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Apple|apple]].
|[[File:Data Disk 5.png]]||Advanced Data Disk
!{{anchor|Banana Juice}}Banana Juice
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|1 part banana juice
|The raw essence of a banana. HONK
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1600|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Heals clowns and monkeys of brute and burn damage <br> '''To acquire:''' Juice bananas.
|[[File:Data Disk 3.png]]||Super Data Disk
|Computer Hardware
|Piss Water
|Computer Parts
|1 part beer
|A freezing pint of beer.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |3200|400| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 6 bottles of Space Beer, 30 units each. Or 1000 units in Bartender's beer keg. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 10 parts Flour, 5 units [[#Universal_Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst).
|[[File:CPU Board.png]]||Processor Board
!{{anchor|Berry Juice}}Berry Juice
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|1 part berry juice
|berry juice. Or maybe it's jam. Who cares?
|{{row-bg-mats| | |200|1600| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' Juice berries.
|[[File:CPU Micro.png]]||Microprocessor
!{{anchor|Carrot Juice}}Carrot juice
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|1 part carrot juice
|It is just like a carrot but without crunching.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |100|800| | | | | | | | }}
|Heals eye damage. <br>'''To acquire:''' Juice carrots.
|[[File:CPU Board Super.gif]]||Photonic Processor Board
|Computer Hardware
|Auspicious occasions and bad decisions
|Computer Parts
|1 part champagne
|A sparkling wine known for its ability to strike fast and hard.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |6400|800| | |2000| | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Eau d' Dandy Brut Champagne.
![[File:Banana juice glass.png|64px]]
|[[File:CPU Micro Super.gif]]||Photonic Microprocessor
!{{anchor|Clown's Tears}}Clown's Tears
|Computer Hardware
|Mournful Honking
|Computer Parts
|1 part clown's tears
|Not very funny.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |3200|400| | |1000| | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' Grind some clown's tear soup.
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
|Arcade Games
|Computer Boards
|1 part coffee
|Don't drop it, or you'll send scalding liquid and glass shards everywhere.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Heals dizziness, drowsiness, wakes up, heats up if frozen. '''To acquire:''' Grind dried coffee beans to get Coffee Powder. Mix 1 Coffee Powder + 5 units [[#Water|water]]. Or from the Hot Drinks -vending machines.
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
|Illegal Technology
|Angry and Irish
|Computer Boards
|1 part cognac
|Damn, you feel like some kind of French aristocrat just by holding this.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
![[File:Lime juice glass.png|64px]]
|[[File:Engineeringboard.png]]||Machine Design (PACMAN-type Generator Board)
!{{anchor|Creme de Menthe}}Creme de Menthe
|Industrial Engineering
|A minty, cool, and invigorating splash of cold streamwater
|Engineering Machinery
|1 part creme de menthe
|A minty liqueur excellent for refreshing, cool drinks.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser.
![[File:Chocolate glass.png|64px]]
|[[File:Engineeringboard.png]]||Machine Design (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Board)
!{{anchor|Creme de Cacao}}Creme de Cacao
|Advanced Power Manipulation
|A slick and aromatic hint of chocolates swirling in a bite of alcohol
|Engineering Machinery
|1 part creme de cacao
|A chocolatey liqueur excellent for adding dessert notes to beverages and bribing sororities.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser.
|[[File:Engineeringboard.png]]||Machine Design (MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board)
!{{anchor|Dr. Gibb}}Dr. Gibb
|Advanced Power Manipulation
|Cherry Soda
|Engineering Machinery
|1 part Dr. Gibb
|Dr. Gibb. Not as dangerous as the name might imply.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Heals drowsiness, cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' 10 cans of Space Mountain Wind in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines.
|Utter bitterness
|1 part Fernet
|Pure Fernet Bronca. Only an absolute madman would drink this pure.
|Reduces satiety a lot, but causes a lot of toxin damage if starving. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Fernet Bronca, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
!{{anchor|Garlic Juice}}Garlic Juice
|1 part garlic juice
|Crushed (not juiced)[[Guide_to_hydroponics#Garlic|garlic]]. [[Cook|Chefs]] love it.
|20% chance per tick to heal 1 brute and burn if you're a [[Cook|cook]]. Prevents [[Vampire|vampires]] from biting you. Very slow metabolism rate (0.06u).<br>'''To acquire:''' Grind [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Garlic|garlic]].
|An alcoholic christmas tree
|1 part gin
|It's gin. In space. I say, good sir.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Griffeater Gin, 100 units each. <br>...???
|Sweet pomegranates
|1 part grenadine
|Delicious flavored syrup.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat.
!{{anchor|Glass of Ice}}{{anchor|Ice}}Glass of Ice
|1 part ice
|Generally, you're supposed to put something else in there too...
|Cools down. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 9 Ice Cups, 30 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
!{{anchor|Hard Cider}}Hard Cider
|The seasons that ''falls'' between summer and winter
|1 part hard cider
|Apple juice, for adults.
|Cools down. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 5 Jian Hard Cider, 50u each.
!{{anchor|Holy Water}}Holy Water
|1 part holy water
|A glass of holy water.
|Makes people jittering, stuttering, dizzy. Heals [[Cult|cultism]]. <br>'''To acquire:''' Have the [[Chaplain]] hit a water container with the Bible. Or One Flask of Holy Water, 100 units, in the [[Chapel]].
|1 part Kahlúa
|Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 5 [[#Coffee|coffee]] + 5 [[#Sugar|sugar]] + 5 [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]].
!{{anchor|Lemon Juice}}Lemon Juice
|1 part lemon juice
|'''To acquire:''' In Soda Dispenser. Or juice lemons.
|Tangy lime and lemon soda
|1 part Lemon-Lime
|You're pretty certain a real fruit has never actually touched this.
|Cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Soda Dispenser. Or 10 cans of Lemon-Lime in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines.
!{{anchor|Lime Juice}}Lime Juice
|Unbearable sourness
|1 part lime juice
|A glass of sweet-sour lime juice.
|Heals toxic damage. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Soda Dispenser. Or In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Lime Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Juice limes.
|1 part menthol
|Tastes naturally minty, and imparts a very mild numbing sensation.
|Prevents coughing.<br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 4 cartons of Menthol, 100 units each. Or from the soda dispenser.
|1 part milk
|White and nutritious goodness!
|Slowly heals brute damage and purges [[#Capsaicin_Oil|capsaicin oil]]. <br>'''To acquire:''' Biogenerator. Or milk a goat or a cow. Or from [[File:Milk.png]] Space Milk cartons, 50 units in each. 5 are found in kitchen freezer. Ordered food crate has one.
!{{anchor|Cream}}{{anchor|Milk Cream}}Milk Cream
|Creamy Milk
|1 part cream
|Heals brute damage. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat (cream), 4 bottle of Milk Cream, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or from the Biogenerator.
|1 part nothing
|Absolutely nothing.
|Heals mimes of brute damage and mutes them. <br>'''To acquire:''' [[Mime]]'s Bottle of Nothing, or by grinding [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Mimana|Mimanas]].
!{{anchor|Orange Juice}}Orange Juice
|1 part orange juice
|Vitamins! Yay!
|Heals suffocation damage. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Orange Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. 15 units in each can of Star-kist, along with 15 units of space cola. Or juice oranges.
!{{anchor|Parsnip Juice}}Parsnip Juice
|1 part parsnip juice
|'''To acquire:''' Juice a [[Guide_to_hydroponics#Parsnip|parsnip]].
!{{anchor|Peach Juice}}Peach Juice
|1 part peach juice
|Just peachy.
|'''To acquire:''' Grind canned peaches, which can only be found in [[Maintenance|maintenance]].
!{{anchor|Poison Berry Juice}}Poison Berry Juice
|1 part poison berry juice
|berry juice. Or maybe it's poison. Who cares?
|Shows up as 'Berry Juice'. Crit dose: 40 units/100 ticks. <br>'''To acquire:''' Juice poison berries.
!{{anchor|Potato Juice}}Potato Juice
|Irish Sadness
|1 part potato juice
|'''To acquire:''' Juice potatoes.
|Spiked Butterscotch
|1 part rum
|Now you want to Pray for a pirate suit, don't you?
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
|Sweet rice wine
|1 part sake
|A sweet rice wine of questionable legality and extreme potency.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat. Or mix 10 parts Rice, 5 units [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst).
!{{anchor|Soda Water}}Soda Water
|Carbonated Water
|1 part soda water
|Why not make a scotch and soda?
|Heals dizziness and drowsiness. Cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 15 bottles of Soda Water, 50 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
!{{anchor|Soy Milk}}Soy Milk
|Soy Milk
|1 part soy milk
|White and nutritious soy goodness!
|Heals brute damage. <br>'''To acquire:''' From [[File:Soymilk.gif]] Soy Milk cartons, 50 units in each. 5 are found in kitchen freezer. Ordered food crate has one.
!{{anchor|Space Cola}}Space Cola
|1 part Space Cola
|A glass of refreshing Space Cola.
|Cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' 10 cans of Space Cola in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines. Or 8 cans in Booze-O-Mat. Or from Service borg shaker. 30 units in each can of Space Cola, 15 units in each can of Star-kist, along with 15 units of orange juice.
!{{anchor|Space Mountain Wind}}Space Mountain Wind
|Sweet citrus soda
|1 part Space Mountain Wind
|Space Mountain Wind. As you know, there are no mountains in space, only wind.
|Heals drowsiness and sleeping, cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' 10 cans of Space Mountain Wind in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines.
|Cherry Soda
|1 part Space-Up
|Space-Up. It helps keep your cool.
|Cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' 10 cans of Space-Up in Robust Softdrinks -vending machines.
|Tart black tea
|1 part tea
|Drinking it from here would not seem right.
|Similar to coffee, but also removes jitteriness and a small amount of toxins.<br> '''To acquire:''' Grind dried tea leaves to get Tea Powder. Mix 1 Tea Powder + 5 units [[#Water|water]]. Or from the Hot Drinks -vending machines.
|Paint stripper
|1 part tequila
|Now all that's missing is the weird colored shades!
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
!{{anchor|Tomato Juice}}Tomato Juice
|1 part tomato juice
|Are you sure this is tomato juice?
|Heals burn damage<br>Blood shows the same way. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 4 bottles of Tomato Juice, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Juice tomatoes.
!{{anchor|Tonic Water}}Tonic Water
|Tart and fresh
|1 part tonic water
|Quinine tastes funny, but at least it'll keep that Space Malaria away.
|Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping, cools down if overheated. <br>'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 8 bottles of T-Borg's Tonic Water, 50 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
![[File:Orange juice glass.png|64px]]
!{{anchor|Triple Sec}}Triple Sec
|A warm flowery orange taste which recalls the ocean air and summer wind of the caribbean
|1 part triple sec
|A sweet and vibrant orange liqueur.
|'''To acquire:''' In a booze dispenser.
|Dry alcohol
|1 part vermouth
|You wonder why you're even drinking this straight.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Goldeneye Vermouth, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker.
|Grain alcohol
|1 part vodka
|The glass contain wodka. Xynta.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or mix 10 [[#Potato Juice|potato juice]] + 5 [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]]
|1 part water
|The father of all refreshments.
|'''To acquire:''' Sinks. Watertanks.
!{{anchor|Watermelon Juice}}Watermelon Juice
|Juicy watermelon
|1 part watermelon juice
|A glass of watermelon juice.
|'''To acquire:''' Juice watermelon slices.
!{{anchor|Welder Fuel}}Welder Fuel
|Gross metal
|1 part welding fuel
|Unless you are an industrial tool, this is probably not safe for consumption.
|Crit dose: 40 units/100 ticks. <br>'''To acquire:''' Find a Welding fuel tank.
|1 part whiskey
|A superb and well-aged single-malt whiskey. Damn.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze Dispenser. Or in Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Uncle Git's Special Reserve, 100 units each.
|Bitter sweetness
|1 part wine
|A very classy looking drink.
|'''To acquire:''' In Booze-O-Mat, 5 bottles of Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine, 100 units each. Or from Service borg shaker. Or mix 10 [[#Grape Juice|grape juice]] + 5 [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (instantly becomes grappa).
===Mixed Drinks===
===Science Department Circuit Imprinter===
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Picture
|+Manufacturing List
! style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Cocktail
! class="unsortable" |Icon
! style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Strength
!style='width:20%' |Item
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Taste
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Ingredients
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Drink Description
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" style='background-color:#FFCCCC;'|Notes
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Safeguard)
!{{anchor|Acid Spit}}Acid Spit
|Artificial Intelligence
|Stomach acid
|Ai Modules
|5 parts [[#Wine|wine]], 1 part Sulphuric Acid
|A drink from Nanotrasen. Made from live aliens.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |2000| | | | | }}
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (OneHuman)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Bitter, creamy cacao
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Cognac|cognac]], 1 part [[#Creme de Cacao|creme de cacao]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]]
|A creamy, indulgent delight that is stronger than it seems.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |6000| | | }}
|If you have a shield, it will increase the block chance by 10 percentage points.<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (ProtectStation)
!{{anchor|Allies Cocktail}}Allies Cocktail
|Artificial Intelligence
|Bitter yet free
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Classic Martini|Classic Martini]], 1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]]
|A drink made from your allies.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |2000| | | | | }}
|Refers to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Entente Triple Entente]: French Vermouth, Russian Vodka, English Gin
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Quarantine)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Sweet 'n creamy
|Ai Modules
|3 part [[#Watermelon Juice|watermelon juice]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 2 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]]
|Very, very, very good.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |2000| | | | | }}
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (OxygenIsToxicToHumans)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Dark and metallic
|Ai Modules
|1 part Iron, 5 part [[#Wine|wine]], 5 part [[#Vodka|vodka]]
|Always handy before COMBAT!!!
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |2000| | | | | }}
|[http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Amasec Warhammer 40k drink]
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Freeform)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Lemon Juice|lemon juice]]
|A nice, strangely named drink.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |10000| | | | | }}
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Reset)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Jack Frost's piss
|Ai Modules
|2 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 1 part [[#Ice|ice]]
|The ultimate refreshment.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | |2000| | | | | }}
|Heats you up if you are frozen
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Purge)
!{{anchor|Arnold Palmer}}Arnold Palmer
|Artificial Intelligence
|Bitter Tea
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Lemonade|lemonade]], 1 part [[#Tea|tea]]
|Encourages the patient to go golfing.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Law Removal)
!{{anchor|Atomic Bomb}}Atomic Bomb
|Artificial Intelligence
|Da bomb
|Ai Modules
|10 parts [[#B-52|B-52]], 1 part Uranium
|Nanotrasen cannot take legal responsibility for your actions after imbibing.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Makes you druggy, confused, dizzy, stuttering; eventually, sleeping. Can be mixed in a shot glass. Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Module Design (Freeform)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Angry and Irish
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Irish Cream|irish cream]], 1 part [[#Kahlua|Kahlúa]], 1 part [[#Cognac|cognac]]
|Kahlua, Irish Cream, and cognac. You will get bombed.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |10000| | | }}
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-52_%28cocktail%29 IBA Official Cocktail]
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (Asimov)
!{{anchor|Bacchus' Blessing}}Bacchus' Blessing
|Artificial Intelligence
|A wall of bricks
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Hooch|Hooch]] + 1 part [[#Absinthe|absinthe]] + 1 part [[#The Manly Dorf|Manly Dorf]] + 1 part [[#Syndicate Bomb|Syndicate Bomb]]
|Unidentifiable mixture. Unmeasurably high alcohol content.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Can kill you if you drink enough.
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (P.A.L.A.D.I.N.)
!{{anchor|Bahama Mama}}Bahama Mama
|Artificial Intelligence
|Lime and Orange
|Ai Modules
|2 parts [[#Rum|rum]], 2 parts [[#Orange Juice|orange juice]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]], 1 part [[#Ice|ice]]
|Tropic cocktail.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Existing cocktail
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (T.Y.R.A.N.T.)
!{{anchor|Banana Honk}}Banana Honk
|Artificial Intelligence
|A bad joke
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[Guide_to_chemistry#Laughter|laughter]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]]
|A drink from Clown Heaven.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Heals clowns and monkeys of brute and burn damage.
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (Overlord)
|Artificial Intelligence
|Creamy Berries
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 1 part [[#Vermouth|vermouth]], 1 part [[#Berry Juice|berry juice]]
|Barefoot and pregnant.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Quickly heals brute damage when not wearing shoes.
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (Corporate)
!{{anchor|Bastion Bourbon}}Bastion Bourbon
|Artificial Intelligence
|Hot herbal brew with a hint of fruit
|Ai Modules
|1 part tea, 1 part [[#Creme de Menthe|creme de menthe]], 1 part [[#Triple Citrus|triple citrus]], 1 part [[#Berry Juice|berry juice]]
|Soothing hot herbal brew with restorative properties. Hints of citrus and berry flavors.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|When it's in your system, it will very slowly heal you as long as you're not in critical. When it's first added to your system, you heal an amount of each damage type equal to the volume taken in, with a max of 10. This is turned to a max of 20 for anyone in critical. Results in 2 parts instead of 4.
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (Default)
!{{anchor|Beepsky Smash}}Beepsky Smash
|Artificial Intelligence
|Ai Modules
|2 parts [[#Quadruple Sec|quadruple sec]], 2 parts [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]], 1 part Iron
|Heavy, hot and strong. Just like the Iron fist of the LAW.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Summons a stream of [[Guide_to_robotics#Securitron|securitron]] hallucinations, which run at you one by one and deal 40 to 70 stamina damage. If overdosed (40 units) you become traumatised with a phobia of security. If you are a proper member of [[Security|security]], you instead regenerate 10 stamina, get minor hallucinations and won't get overdosed. Metabolization rate is 0.5.
![[File:Bees Knees.gif|64px]]
|[[File:Circuitboard.png]]||Core Module Design (Dadbot)
!{{anchor|Bee's Knees}}Bee's Knees
|Artificial Intelligence
|Sweeter Mead
|Ai Modules
|1 part [[#mead|mead]], 1 part honey, 1 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Lemon Juice|lemon juice]]
|This glass is oozing with honey. A bit too much honey to look appealing for anyone but a certain insect.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | |2000| | | }}
|Is tasty for Apids, but deals slight toxin damage to others.
|[[File:Radio Mini.png]]||Network Card
!{{anchor|Between the Sheets}}Between the Sheets
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 2 parts [[#Cognac|cognac]], 1 part [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]], 1 part [[#Lemon juice|lemon juice]]
|A provocatively named classic.
|{{row-bg-mats| |250|100|100| | | | | | | | }}
|Having this in your system while you're asleep will slowly heal you.<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Between_the_Sheets_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
|[[File:Radio card.png]]||Advanced Network Card
|Computer Hardware
|Desperation and Lactate
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Beer|beer]], 1 part [[#Milk|milk]]
|A brew of milk and beer. For those alcoholics who fear osteoporosis.
|{{row-bg-mats| |500|200|200| | | | | | | | }}
|Slowly heals brute damage
|[[File:Net Wired.png]]||Wired Network Card
!{{anchor|Black Russian}}Black Russian
|Computer Hardware
|Computer Parts
|3 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 2 parts [[#Kahlua|Kahlúa]]
|For the lactose-intolerant. Still as classy as a White Russian.
|{{row-bg-mats| |2500|400|400| | | | | | | | }}
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Russian IBA official cocktail]
|[[File:Data Disk 6.png]]||Data Disk
!{{anchor|Blank_Paper}}Blank Paper
|Computer Hardware
|Bubbling Possibility
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Silencer|Silencer]], 1 part [[#Nothing|nothing]], 1 part [[#Nuka_Cola|Nuka Cola]]
|A fizzy cocktail for those looking to start fresh.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |800|200| | | | | | | | }}
|Heals and mutes mimes. 
|[[File:Data Disk 5.png]]||Advanced Data Disk
|Computer Hardware
|Alternate Realities
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Peach_Juice|peach juice]], 1 part {{Tooltip|[[Guide_to_chemistry#Bluespace_Dust|Bluespace Dust]]|{{RecursiveChem/Bluespace_Dust}}}}, 2 parts [[#Gin|gin]]
|The glass seems to be sliding between realities. Doubles as a Berenstain remover.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1600|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Can randomly teleport you short distances and makes you vomit if drunk enough. Makes your vomit look different. Results in 3 parts instead of 4.
|[[File:Data Disk 3.png]]||Super Data Disk
!{{anchor|Bloody Mary}}Bloody Mary
|Computer Hardware
|Tomatoes with a hint of lime
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 2 parts  [[#Tomato Juice|tomato juice]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]]
|Tomato Juice, mixed with Vodka and a lil' bit of lime. Tastes like liquid murder.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |3200|400| | | | | | | | }}
|Restores blood. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Mary_(cocktail) IBA official cocktail]
|[[File:CPU Board.png]]||Processor Board
!{{anchor|Blue Cherry Shake}}Blue Cherry Shake
|Computer Hardware
|Creamy blue cherry
|Computer Parts
|1 part ice, 1 part cream , 1 part blue cherry jelly
|A blue cherry flavored milkshake.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |200|1600| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:CPU Micro.png]]||Microprocessor
|Computer Hardware
|Sweet 'n creamy
|Computer Parts
|1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 1 part [[#Banana Juice|banana juice]], 1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Watermelon Juice|watermelon juice]]
!{{anchor|Branca Menta}}Branca Menta
|A bitter freshness
|1 part [[#Fernet|Fernet]], 1 part [[#Creme de Menthe|Creme de Menthe]], 1 part [[#Ice|Ice]]
|A refreshing mixture of bitter Fernet with mint creme liquour. The closest you'll ever get to the original.
|Cools you down if overheated. Reduces satiety. Causes a moderate tick of stamina damage when drank.
!{{anchor|Brave Bull}}Brave Bull
|Alcoholic Bravery
|2 parts [[#Tequila|tequila]], 1 part [[#Kahlua|Kahlúa]]
|Tequila and Coffee liquor, brought together in a mouthwatering mixture. Drink up.
|Temporarily increases maximum health. Existing cocktail
!{{anchor|Bug Spray}}Bug Spray
|The pain of ten thousand slain mosquitos
|2 parts [[#Rum|rum]], 2 parts [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]], 1 part [[#Lemon_Lime|lemon lime]], 1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]]
|A harsh, acrid, bitter drink, for those who need something to brace themselves.
|Deals 1 toxin per tick to [[Mothpeople|mothpeople]] and [[Guide_to_races#Flypeople|flypeople]]. Results in 5 parts instead of 6.
!{{anchor|Changeling Sting}}Changeling Sting
|Your brain coming out your nose
|2 part [[#Lemon-Lime|lemon-lime]], 1 part [[#Screwdriver Cocktail|Screwdriver Cocktail]]
|A stingy drink.
|Restores chemicals for changelings. Makes 5 parts instead of 3.
!{{anchor|Cherry Shake}}Cherry Shake
|Creamy cherry
| 1 part ice, 1 part cream, 1 part cherry jelly.
|A cherry flavored milkshake.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |100|800| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:CPU Board Super.gif]]||Photonic Processor Board
!{{anchor|Chocolate Pudding}}Chocolate Pudding
|Computer Hardware
|Sweet Chocolate
|Computer Parts
| 5 part milk, 5 part cocoa, 5 part eggyolk
|A chocolate flavored pudding in a glass.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |6400|800| | |2000| | | | | }}
|[[File:CPU Micro Super.gif]]||Photonic Microprocessor
|Computer Hardware
|Creamy chocolate
|Computer Parts
|5 parts [[#Water|water]], 1 part Coco Powder
|Heats up if frozen
!{{anchor|Classic Martini}}Classic Martini
|Dry Class
|2 parts [[#Gin|gin]], 1 part [[#Vermouth|vermouth]]
|Damn, the bartender even stirred it, not shook it.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martini_%28cocktail%29 IBA official cocktail]
!{{anchor|Coffee Latte}}Coffee Latte
|Bitter cream
|1 part [[#Coffee|coffee]], 1 part [[#Milk|milk]]
|A nice, strong and refreshing beverage while you are reading.
|Heals dizziness, drowsiness, wakes up, heats up if frozen
!{{anchor|Cream Soda}}Cream Soda
|Fizzy Vanilla
|2 parts [[#Soda_Water|soda water]], 2 parts [[#Sugar|sugar]], 1 part vanilla
|A classic space-American vanilla flavored soft drink.
|Cools down if overheated. Results in 4 parts instead of 5.
!{{anchor|Crevice Spike}}Crevice Spike
| -10
|A bitter SPIKE with a sour aftertaste
|2 parts [[#Lime juice|lime juice]], 4 parts [[#Capsaicin Oil|capsaicin]]
|Sour, bitter, and smashingly sobering.
|It's negative drink power sobers you up, but it deals 3 damage per unit when it first enters your system, up to a max 15 damage on a full 5 unit swig. Won't hurt again until it metabolizes out.<br>[http://va11halla.wikia.com/wiki/Crevice_Spike Drink from VA-11 Hall-A]
!{{anchor|Cuba Libre}}Cuba Libre
|A refreshing marriage of citrus and rum
|3 parts [[#Rum and Coke|Rum and Coke]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]]
|A classic mix of rum, cola, and lime.
|Heals revolutionaries.<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuba_Libre IBA official cocktail]
!{{anchor|Demons Blood}}Demons Blood
|Sweet Tasting Iron
|1 part [[#Space Mountain Wind|Space Mountain Wind]], 1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part blood, 1 part [[#Dr. Gibb|Dr. Gibb]]
|Just looking at this thing makes the hair at the back of your neck stand up.
|Prevents slaughter demons from dragging you into pools of blood.
!{{anchor|Devil's Kiss}}Devil's Kiss
|Bitter Iron
|1 part Blood, 1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Kahlua|Kahlúa]]
|Creepy time!
|Causes slaughter demons to take brute damage and eject you if they try to eat you.
!{{anchor|Doctor's Delight}}Doctor's Delight
|Homely Fruit
|1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]], 1 part  [[#Tomato Juice|tomato juice]], 1 part [[#Orange Juice|orange juice]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 1 part [[Guide_to_chemistry#Cryoxadone|Cryoxadone]]
|A healthy mixture of juices, guaranteed to keep you healthy until the next toolboxing takes place.
|Heals 0.5 of each basic damage type (brute/burn/toxin/oxyloss) every tick, at the cost of making you hungry (unless you're a doctor, in which case it has no effect on your hunger).
!{{anchor|Driest Martini}}Driest Martini
|A beach
|1 part Nothing, 1 part [[#Gin|gin]]
|Only for the experienced. You think you see sand floating in the glass.
|Nothing is found in the [[Mime]]'s Bottle of Nothing
!{{anchor|Drunken Blumpkin}}Drunken Blumpkin
|Molasses and a mouthful of pool water
|1 part blumpkin juice, 2 parts irish cream, 1 part ice
|A weird mix of whiskey and blumpkin juice, with cream on top
|{{row-bg-mats| | |3200|400| | |1000| | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
|Arcade Games
|Green apples and Blue raspberries
|Computer Boards
|2 parts [[#Hard_Cider|hard cider]], 1 part [[#Apple_Juice|apple juice]], 1 part [[#Berry_Juice|berry juice]]
|An inseparable combination of two fruity drinks.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
|Illegal Technology
|Custard and alcohol
|Computer Boards
|5 parts [[#Egg Yolk|egg yolk]], 5 parts [[#Rum|rum]], 5 parts [[#Cream|cream]]
|For enjoying the most wonderful time of the year.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
!{{anchor|Erika Surprise}}Erika Surprise
===Security Department Circuit Imprinter===
|Tartness and bananas
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|1 part [[#Ale|ale]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]], 1 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Ice|ice]], 1 part [[#Banana Juice|banana juice]]
|+Manufacturing List
|The surprise is, it's green!
! class="unsortable" |Icon
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
|Arcade Games
| -10
|A sweet sobering mix
|Computer Boards
|1 part [[#Manhattan|Manhattan]], 1 part [[#fernet|Fernet]]
|What if the Manhattan cocktail ACTUALLY used a bitter herb liquour?
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Reduces satiety. Sobers you up, but causes a minor tick of stamina damage.<br>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernet#Cocktails Existing drink.]
![[File:Faster Than Liver.gif|64px]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
|Illegal Technology
|Empty Space
|Computer Boards
|1 part [[#Vodka|Vodka]], 1 part Stable Plasma, 1 part [[#Screwdriver Cocktail|Screwdriver Cocktail]]
|A beverage born among the stars, it's said drinking too much feels just like FTL transit.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Causes you to hallucinate FTL travel.
!{{anchor|Fernet Cola}}Fernet Cola
===Medical Department Circuit Imprinter===
|Sweet Relief
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|1 part [[#Fernet|Fernet]], 1 part [[#Cola|Cola]]
|+Manufacturing List
|A very popular and bittersweet digestif, ideal after a heavy meal. Best served on a sawed-off cola bottle as per tradition.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Reduces satiety. Causes toxin damage if starving. Tastes like heaven.
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
!{{anchor|Fetching Fizz}}Fetching Fizz
|Arcade Games
|Charged Metal
|Computer Boards
|1 part [[#Nuka Cola|Nuka Cola]], 1 part Iron
|Whiskey sour/iron/uranium mixture resulting in highly magnetic slurry. Mild alcohol content.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Causes nearby ores to slowly move towards you. Results in 3 parts instead of 2.
![[File:Fourth Wall.gif|64px]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
!{{anchor|Fourth Wall}}Fourth Wall
|Illegal Technology
|Computer Boards
|10 parts [[#Gargle Blaster|gargle blaster]], 1 part bluespace dust
|Just looking at this makes your head hurt.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Gives you a random brain trauma depending on how much you've had. Results in 10 parts instead of 11.
!{{anchor|Fringe Weaver}}Fringe Weaver
===Service Department Circuit Imprinter===
|Ethylic alcohol with a hint of sugar
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|9 parts Ethanol, 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]]
|+Manufacturing List
|Bubbly, classy, and undoubtedly strong - a Glitch City classic.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|[http://va11halla.wikia.com/wiki/Fringe_Weaver Drink from VA-11 Hall-A]
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
!{{anchor|Gibb Floats}}Gibb Floats
|Arcade Games
|Creamy cherry
|Computer Boards
|5 parts dr gibb, 5 parts ice, 5 parts cream
|Icecream on top of a Dr. Gibb glass.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
!{{anchor|Gin Fizz}}Gin Fizz
|Illegal Technology
|Dry, tart lemons
|Computer Boards
|2 parts [[#Gin|gin]], 1 part [[#Soda Water|soda water]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]]
|Refreshingly lemony, deliciously dry.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fizz_%28cocktail%29#Gin_Fizz IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|Gin and Tonic}}Gin and Tonic
|Mild and tart
|2 parts [[#Gin|gin]], 1 part [[#Tonic Water|tonic water]]
|A mild but still great cocktail. Drink up, like a true Englishman.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
===Cargo Department Circuit Imprinter===
|Burning cinnamon
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|10 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part Gold
|+Manufacturing List
|100 proof that teen girls will drink anything with gold in it.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldschl%C3%A4ger Exists in real world] Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
!{{anchor|Grape Soda}}Grape Soda
|Arcade Games
|Grape soda
|Computer Boards
|1 part [[#Grape Juice|grape juice]], 1 part soda water
|Beloved of children and teetotalers.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|Cools you down if overheated.
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Orion Trail Arcade Machine)
|Arcade Games
|Classy bitter sweetness
|Computer Boards
|1 part [[#Wine|wine]], 5 units [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst)
|A fine Italian brandy, for when regular wine just isn't alcoholic enough for you.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
|Illegal Technology
|Chocolate and mint dancing around your mouth
|Computer Boards
|5 parts cream, 5 parts [[#Creme de Menthe|creme de menthe]], 5 parts creme de cacao
|A fresh and sweet dessert shooter. Difficult to look manly while drinking this.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grasshopper_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|Green Beer}}Green Beer
===Munitions Department Circuit Imprinter===
|Green Piss Water
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|10 parts [[#Beer|beer]], 1 part Green Crayon Powder
|+Manufacturing List
|A freezing pint of green beer. Festive.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Turns you green. Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Module.png]]||Missile Autowrencher
|Automated Missile Construction
|A poor excuse for alcohol
|Advanced Munitions
|1 part [[#Water|water]], 1 part [[#Rum|rum]]
|A fine and cepa drink for Space.
|{{row-bg-mats| |10000|2500|2500|10000| | | | | | | }}
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grog Exists in real world]
!{{anchor|Hearty Punch}}Hearty Punch
|Bravado in the face of disaster
|5 parts [[#Brave Bull|Brave Bull]] + 5 parts [[#Syndicate Bomb|Syndicate Bomb]] + 5 parts [[#Absinthe|absinthe]] (requires temperature of 315)
|Brave bull/syndicate bomb/absinthe mixture resulting in an energizing beverage. Mild alcohol content.
|Provides quick healing for people in critical condition. Results in 1 part instead of 15.
!{{anchor|Hippie's Delight}}Hippie's Delight
|Giving peace a chance
|1 part Mushroom Hallucinogen, 1 part [[#Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster|Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster]]
|A drink enjoyed by people during the 1960's.
|Makes you druggy, stuttering and dizzy, then jittering
|Pure Resignation
|2 parts Ethanol, 1 part welding fuel, 1 part [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst)
|You've really hit rock bottom now... your liver packed its bags and left last night. Heals assistants.
|[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hooch Slang for moonshine or bootleg alcohol, popular term during prohibition era]
|[[File:Module.png]]||Missile Autowelder
!{{anchor|Iced Beer}}Iced Beer
|Automated Missile Construction
|Refreshingly cold
|Advanced Munitions
|5 parts [[#Beer|beer]], 1 part [[#Ice|ice]]  '''''or'''''  10 parts [[#Beer|beer]], 1 part [[#Frost Oil|frost oil]]
|A beer so frosty, the air around it freezes.
|Cools you down if overheated
!{{anchor|Iced Coffee}}Iced Coffee
|Bitter Coldness
|1 part [[#Ice|ice]], 3 parts [[#Coffee|coffee]]
|A drink to perk you up and refresh you!
|Cools you down if overheated, removes dizziness, drowsiness and sleep
!{{anchor|Iced Tea}}Iced Tea
|Sweet Tea
|1 part [[#Ice|ice]], 3 parts [[#Tea|tea]]
|All natural, antioxidant-rich flavour sensation.
|Cools you down if overheated, removes dizziness, drowsiness and sleep. Heals toxin damage.
|1 part [[#Anti-freeze|anti-freeze]], 1 part [[Guide to Chemistry#Miner's Salve|miner's salve]], 1 part [[#Ice|ice]]
|A watcher hunter's drink of choice. Will heal your frostburns, or cool you down.
|Cools you down, heals if you're cold.
!{{anchor|Irish Car Bomb}}Irish Car Bomb
|Delicious anger
|1 part [[#Irish Cream|irish cream]], 1 part [[#Ale|ale]]
|An Irish car bomb.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Car_Bomb Exists in real world]
!{{anchor|Irish Coffee}}Irish Coffee
|Giving up on the day
|2 parts [[#Irish Cream|irish cream]], 2 parts [[#Coffee|coffee]]
|Coffee and alcohol. More fun than a Mimosa to drink in the morning.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_coffee IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|Irish_Cream}}Irish Cream
|Creamy alcohol
|2 parts [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]]
|It's cream, mixed with whiskey. What else would you expect from the Irish?
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_cream Exists in real world]
!{{anchor|Jack Rose}}Jack Rose
|A sweet and sour slice of apple
|2 parts [[#Applejack|applejack]], 1 part [[#Grenadine|grenadine]], 1 part [[#Lime juice|lime juice]]
|A light cocktail perfect for sipping with a slice of pie.
|{{row-bg-mats| |10000|2500|2500|10000| | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Module.png]]||Missile Autoscrewer
|Automated Missile Construction
|Divine Windiness
|Advanced Munitions
|1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]], 1 part [[#Lime juice|lime juice]]
|Divinely windy.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamikaze_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
|Sunshine and summertime
|2 parts [[#Lemon_Juice|lemon juice]], 2 parts water, 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]], 1 part [[#Glass_of_Ice|ice]]
|Sweet, tangy lemonade. Good for the soul. Results in 5 parts instead of 6.
|{{row-bg-mats| |10000|2500|2500|10000| | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Module.png]]||Missile Autowirer
!{{anchor|Lizard Wine}}Lizard Wine
|Automated Missile Construction
|Scaley sweetness
|Advanced Munitions
|1 Lizard Tail + 100 units Ethanol
|An alcoholic beverage from Space China, made by infusing lizard tails in ethanol. Inexplicably popular among command staff.
|Both delicious and unethical. Must be crafted with crafting menu.
!{{anchor|Long Island Iced Tea}}Long Island Iced Tea
|A mixture of cola and alcohol
|1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Gin|gin]], 1 part [[#Cuba Libre|Cuba Libre]], 1 part [[#Tequila|tequila]]
|The liquor cabinet, brought together in a delicious mix. Intended for middle-aged alcoholic women only.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Island_Iced_Tea IBA Official Cocktail]
|Mild dryness
|2 parts [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Vermouth|vermouth]]
|The Detective's undercover drink of choice. He never could stomach gin...
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_%28cocktail%29 IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|Manhattan Project}}Manhattan Project
|Death, the destroyer of worlds
|10 parts [[#Manhattan|Manhattan]], 1 part Uranium
|A scientist's drink of choice, for thinking how to blow up the station.
|Makes you druggy. Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
|Dry and salty
|2 parts [[#Tequila|tequila]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]]
|On the rocks with salt on the rim. ¡Arriba!
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margarita IBA Official Cocktail]
![[File:Mauna Loa.png|64px]]
!{{anchor|Mauna Loa}}Mauna Loa
|Fiery, with an aftertaste of burnt flesh
|2 parts [[#Capsaicin Oil|capsaicin]], 1 part [[#Kahlua|kahlua]], 2 parts [[#Bahama Mama|bahama mama]]
|Lavaland in a drink... mug... volcano... thing.
|Heats you up while it's in your body. Occasionally makes you burst into flames.
|Sweet, sweet alcohol
|2 units Honey, 5 units [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst)
|A Vikings Beverage, though a cheap one.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mead Exists in real world]
|Refreshing mint
|1 part [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]], 1 part [[#Lime juice|lime juice]], 1 part [[#Soda water|soda water]], 1 part [[#Menthol|menthol]]
|A drink that looks as refreshing as it tastes.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojito IBA Official Cocktail]
|5 units Nutriment, 5 units Sugar, 5 units [[#Universal Enzyme|universal enzyme]] (catalyst)
|You've really hit rock bottom now... your liver packed its bags and left last night.
|{{row-bg-mats| |10000|2500|2500|10000| | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Module.png]]||Missile Assembler
|Automated Missile Construction
|Advanced Munitions
|1 part [[blood]], 1 parts [[#Lemon Juice|lemon juice]], 1 part [[#Demons Blood|demons blood]]
|A new hit cocktail inspired by THE ARM Breweries will have you shouting Fuu ma'jin in no time!
|Causes you to slur cult phrases instead of normal slurring. Results in 1 part instead of 3.
!{{anchor|Nuka Cola}}Nuka Cola
|The Future
|1 part Uranium, 6 parts [[#Space Cola|Space Cola]]
|Don't cry, Don't raise your eye, It's only nuclear wasteland
|Makes you druggy, dizzy, wakes you up, gives you ephedrine speed<br>[http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Nuka-Cola Reference to Fallout.]
!{{anchor|Old Timer}}Old Timer
|Simpler times
|3 parts [[#Whiskey_Soda|whiskey soda]], 2 parts [[#Parsnip_Juice|parsnip juice]], 1 part [[#Alexander|Alexander]]
|An archaic potation enjoyed by old coots of all ages.
|Makes you older. And older, and older.
|A numbing sensation
|1 part Morphine, 1 part [[#Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster|Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster]]
|A drink that is guaranteed to knock you silly.
|Drugs you, makes you dizzy, deals up to 75% brain damage over time, randomly causes you to drop items and take stamina damage. After 5 cycles starts randomly paralyzing your limbs. After 30 cycles deals more brain damage but without limit. After 50 cycles (over 20 units) it has a 15% chance per cycle to give you a heart attack. Metabolism rate is 0.4 units. Quickly purged by [[Guide_to_chemistry#Neurine|Neurine]].
!{{anchor|Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster}}Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
|Your brains smashed out by a lemon wrapped around a gold brick
|1 part [[#Gin|gin]], 1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Cognac|cognac]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]]
|Does... does this mean that Arthur and Ford are on the station? Oh joy.
|Makes you dizzy, then stuttering, then confused, then druggy<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaphod_Beeblebrox#Pan-Galactic_Gargle_Blaster Drink from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]
|Metallic and expensive
|10 parts [[#Tequila|tequila]], 1 part Silver
|Drinking patron in the bar, with all the subpar ladies.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patr%C3%B3n Exists in real world] Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
!{{anchor|Peppermint Patty}}Peppermint Patty
|Mint and chocolate
|6 parts [[#Dutch Hot Coco|hot coco]], 1 part [[#Creme de Cacao|creme de cacao]], 1 part [[#Creme de Menthe|creme de menthe]], 1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Menthol|menthol]]
|This lightly alcoholic drink combines the benefits of menthol and cocoa.
| Prevents coughing, heats you up and comes from Archer.
!{{anchor|Planet Cracker}}Planet Cracker
|Triumph with a hint of bitterness
|2 parts [[#Champagne|champagne]], 2 parts [[#Lizard_Wine|lizard wine]], 1 part [[#Egg_Yolk|egg yolk]], 1 part gold
|This jubilant drink celebrates humanity's triumph over the alien menace. May be offensive to non-human crewmembers.
|Results in 4 parts instead of 6.
![[File:Plasma Flood.png|64px]]
!{{anchor|Plasma Flood}}Plasma Flood
|a plasma fire in your mouth
|1 part plasma, 1 part [[Guide to Chemistry#Napalm|napalm]], 1 part [[#Tequila|tequila]], 1 part [[#Demon's Blood|demon's blood]]
|A favorite of the grey tide. Ironically, not recommended to stand in plasma while drinking this.
|Simultaneously sets you on fire and makes you immune to it as long as it's in your system. Does not make you immune to the heat though.
!{{anchor|Pumpkin Latte}}Pumpkin Latte
|Creamy pumkin
|5 parts pumpkin juice, 5 parts coffee, 5 parts cream
|A delicious mix of pumpkin juice and coffee.
|{{row-bg-mats| |10000|2500|2500|10000| | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine)
!{{anchor|Quadruple Sec}}Quadruple Sec
|Arcade Games
|An invigorating bitter freshness which suffuses your being; no enemy of the station will go unrobusted this day
|Computer Boards
|5 parts [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]], 5 parts [[#Triple Citrus|triple citrus]], 5 parts [[#Creme de Menthe|creme de menthe]]
|Kicks just as hard as licking the powercell on a baton, but tastier.
|Heals all security personnel for 1 damage in all body parts per tick. Additionally, all brute damage is healed by 2 as long as it is in your system.
!{{anchor|Quintiple Sec}}Quintiple Sec
|5 parts [[#Quadruple Sec|quadruple sec]], 5 parts [[#Clown's Tears|clown's tears]], 5 parts [[#Syndicate Bomb|syndicate bomb]]
|Law, Order, Alcohol, and Police Brutality distilled into one single elixir of JUSTICE.
|Heals all security personnel for 2 damage in all body parts per tick. Additionally, all brute damage, burn damage, toxin damage, and suffocation damage is healed by 5 as long as it is in your system. Has an absurdly high alcohol level, and will make you seriously drunk with a few sips.
|Sweet Brass
|5 parts [[#Wine|wine]], 5 parts [[#Triple Sec|triple sec]], 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]], 1 part iron, 0.6 parts copper
|A new cocktail originally mixed by TRNE Corp. Said to be embued with eldritch magic.
|Makes you sound like a drunk Clockwork Cultist. Results in 10 parts instead of 12.6.
!{{anchor|Red Mead}}Red Mead
|Sweet and salty alcohol
|1 part [[#Mead|mead]], 1 part blood
|A True Vikings Beverage, though its color is strange.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Orion Trail Arcade Machine)
!{{anchor|Red Queen}}Red Queen
|Arcade Games
|Computer Boards
|6 parts [[#Tea|tea]], 2 parts [[Guide_to_chemistry#Chemistry_Dispensers|mercury]], 1 part [[#Pepper|black pepper]], 1 part {{Tooltip|[[Guide_to_chemistry#Growth_Serum|Growth Serum]]|{{RecursiveChem/Growth_Serum}}}}
|Randomly changes your size while it's in your system.
|Artifical fruityness
|5 parts [[#Grey_Bull|Grey Bull]], 4 parts ethanol, 1 part [[#Astrotame|astrotame]]
|A popular drink amongst those adhering to an all synthetic diet.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
|[[File:Genericboard.png]]||Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure)
!{{anchor|Rum and Coke}}Rum and Coke
|Illegal Technology
|Computer Boards
|2 parts [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Space Cola|space cola]]
|The classic go-to of space-fratboys.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000|300| | | | | | | | }}
![[File:Sarsaparillian Sunset.gif|64px]]
!{{anchor|Sarsaparillian Sunset}}Sarsaparillian Sunset
== [[File:Proto.png|64px]] Techfab ==
|Pleasant burning
* The departmental Techfabs are circuit imprinters and departmental protolathes combined, except their available circuit boards differ depending on their department.
|5 parts [[#Tequila Sunrise|tequila sunrise]], 1 part [[#Nuka Cola|nuka cola]], 1 part [[Guide to chemistry#Napalm|napalm]]
* These lists will only consist of items that can ONLY be found in a Technology Fabricator
|The view of a sunset over an irradiated wasteland. Calms your burns, but don't drink too much.
|Heals your burns, burns you if you drink too much. Makes you spit fireballs. Results in 5 parts instead of 7.
===Engineering Department Techfab===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|+Manufacturing List
! class="unsortable" |Icon
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
===Science Department Techfab===
|Hot and spice
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part Capsaicin
|+Manufacturing List
|A spicy mix of Vodka and Spice. Very hot.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Heats you up if you are frozen<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sbiten Exists in real world]
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
!{{anchor|Screwdriver Cocktail}}Screwdriver Cocktail
===Security Department Techfab===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|2 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Orange Juice|orange juice]]
|+Manufacturing List
|A simple, yet superb mixture of Vodka and orange juice. Just the thing for the tired engineer.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Quickly removes radiation for the CE, engineers and atmos techs.<br>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screwdriver_%28cocktail%29 IBA Official Cocktail]
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
===Medical Department Techfab===
|Delicious freedom
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|2 parts [[#Cognac|cognac]], 1 part [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]], 1 part [[#Lemon juice|lemon juice]]
|+Manufacturing List
|The one ride you’ll gladly give up the wheel for.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidecar_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
===Service Department Techfab===
|A pencil eraser
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|1 part Nothing, 1 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]], 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]]
|+Manufacturing List
|A drink from mime Heaven.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Nothing is found in the [[Mime]]'s Bottle of Nothing. Heals and mutes mimes.
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
===Cargo Department Techfab===
|Concentrated matter
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|5 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part Radium, 5 part [[#Wine|wine]]
|+Manufacturing List
|A blue-space beverage.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
|[[File:Supplyboard.png]]||Computer Design (Express Supply Console)
!{{anchor|Snow White}}Snow White
|Mining Technology
|Refreshing cold
|Mining Designs
|1 part [[#Beer|beer]], 1 part [[#Lemon-Lime|Lemon-Lime]]
|A cold refreshment.
|{{row-bg-mats| | |1000| | | | | | | | | }}
!{{anchor|Soy Latte}}Soy Latte
===Munitions Department Techfab===
|Creamy Coffee
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center" width="100%"
|1 part [[#Coffee|coffee]], 1 part [[#Soy Milk|soy milk]]
|+Manufacturing List
|A nice and refreshing beverage while you are reading.
! class="unsortable" |Icon
|Heals dizziness, drowsiness and sleeping; heats up if frozen; heals brute damage
!style='width:20%' |Item
!style='width:15%' |Required Tech
!style='width:15%' |Starting Tech?
!style='width:15%' |Category
! class="unsortable" |[[File:Beaker.png]]
![[File:Sheet plastic1.png]]
!{{anchor|Squirt Cider}}Squirt Cider
= [[to_do_list|To-Do List]] =
|Stale bread with a staler aftertaste
|1 part water, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part nutriment
=Xenoecology Entry=
|Fermented squirt extract with a nose of stale bread and ocean water. Whatever a squirt is.
''Written by Elise Garnier''
<tabs style="width:85%">
<tab name="Conception">
Plasmamen (or phoronized humanoids) are the newest species to ever come about naturally so to speak. By all technicality and definition, Plasmamen’s home planet is surprisingly the Earth’s moon. Through long term exposure to phoron, humanoids of all kinds have found themselves slowly but surely mutating and adapting to not only resist the harmful effects of phoron but even live and thrive off of it. Such a process shouldn’t be happening over the course of only a single lifetime, in fact it just about defies any natural process of evolution and mutation known to the current understanding of biology.
<tab name="Formation">
General exposure to phoron leads to tissue and liver damage. It acts as a toxic material in any organic lifeform’s body and can easily kill an individual in low quantities. However, a currently unknown quality that some humanoids share causes some form of chain reaction, dubbed “Phoronisation”, amidst their biological process that turns them into what is now called a Plasmaman. Phoronisation is only triggered by prolonged exposure to phoron over the course of years, if not decades, and in extremely small quantities due to its highly volatile and poisonous nature. This causes the skin, muscle, sinew, tendons, and internal organs to break down and reform into an incredibly hot organo-phoron compound that then covers the entirety of the skeleton, which, surprisingly, remains intact. This hot “organic” plasma fits all the criteria to be considered a living organism, complete with sentience and self awareness.
<tab name="Biology">
Plasmamen breathe pure gaseous phoron, which serves as the main driving force behind their biological functions. As such Plasmamen do not need to consume food to sustain themselves. Although many have shown a propensity toward vegetables over fruit when given the opportunity to eat. Such an incredibly volatile organism has been proven without a doubt to be completely immune to diseases and unbothered by radiation exposure. Their body produces enough heat to sustain themselves in the complete absence of warmth. Plasmamen are unable to reproduce on their own or with one another and rely entirely on other humanoids undergoing the chain reaction to sustain their numbers. As agonizing of a process it is to become a Plasmaman, such a great sacrifice of suffering is rewarded with the only form of naturally occurring genetic immortality in sapient beings observed so far. Plasmamen do not age and are not affected by disease.
<tab name="Discovery">
When Plasmamen were first discovered decades ago during the expansion, humanoid-kind wasn’t sure what to make of them. They did their best to accommodate these new people and be mindful of more showing up in the future. Plasmamen were not widely received with open arms but were certainly seen as useful by Nanotrasen as the perfect employees to harvest the phoron shard in the moon during the Great Expansion.
<tab name="Ancients">
In the furthest reaches of colonized space, humanoids were found drifting amidst the stars that very much resembled the Plasmamen of Earth’s moon. Their integration into society was relatively smooth, having flocked to the phoron shard not many questions were asked. Although prying minds had soon discovered these Plasmamen had been around for much longer than they let on. Some predated humanity as a species let alone their adventures in the endless cosmos. None of these ancient Plasmamen have been able to recollect where their home planet is nor their history leading up to their journey to Sol. Plasmamen, both ancient and new, with no memory of its origin, have since made their home with the federation working on station and ship crew alike.
=The Lightbulb Engineers Guide to Advanced Engineering=
''By: Travis Zaun''
Engineering is complicated, thankless, and liable to get you blown up by your own mistakes or someone else refusing to listen. It is also rewarding, as you are the one thing keeping the ship from exploding due to those damned incompetent helmsmen and that one captain who thinks that Leeroy Jenkins is a role model instead of a cautionary tale. I'm going to give you some tips and tricks that I've learned over time to help make your life just a bit easier.
Keep in mind that this is written to the level of someone who already has a basic understanding of engineering: basic terms or concepts are not defined or explained. At the end, there is a Q&A for some commonly asked questions and some entertaining engineering stories.
On to the guide.
'''Chernobl Memes: Why there isn't any reactor information in this guide'''
There is a lack of tips to do with the reactors in this guide. It is deliberate and the reason is simple: experimentation leads to better engineers. People willing to figure out why things work with the reactors (particularly the stormdrive) generally learn a lot about engineering as they experiment. As a whole, this improves the overall quality of their engineering capabilities as they figure out gas interactions.
'''Piping and how it doesn't work like you think it does.'''<br>
Good old Atmosia, the great state of pipes. You can do much with them, and anything fun (IE: extremely dangerous) requires a good working knowledge of how piping works if you want to live through whatever experiment you're running. Here are a few things to know about piping and Atmosia in general.
'''1. Pipes are indestructible as far as the forces contained within them:'''
You're probably already figured this out, but pipes can contain functionally infinite pressure and infinite temperature, their limits are the volume that they can contain, not the pressure or temperature within them, this is important, and I'll tell you why later.
'''2. Pipes don't have flow.'''
Yes, you read that correctly. There is no flow in pipes. Connected pipes that are not interrupted by components do not have flow, they just have volume. Pumps are just move volume from one tank to another at a certain rate. This is the equivalent of taking a cup and taking from one bucket and putting it into another bucket. All components that have a flow rate (scrubbers, non-passive vents, injectors, gas pumps, volume pumps, mixers, filters) all behave in this manner. Components that do not have a flow rate, such as valves (when open), connectors, z-level connectors, layer connectors or passive vents just connect one bucket directly to another, making it a bigger bucket.
'''3. What happens to one, happens to the rest.'''
Pipes are functionally just funny shaped tanks, and properties that happen to one section of pipe happen to ALL connected sections of pipe. This means that when that one dipshit captain panic siphons a room that was on fire, he just massively heated up the entire subber network, making it useless for actually scrubbing anything anywhere else. It also means that when you apply cooling to one section of piping, you apply cooling to the entire section of connected piping, assuming there aren't any interruptions in the line. The best way to fix that dipshit captains mistake is to build a thermomachine with the best components that you can get (or multiple thermomachines if you have low tier components), attach it to a random section on the scrubbers network, and turn it on.
'''4. Thermodynamics. It's a thing that exists.'''
Remember how I mentioned that pipes have a limit on volume, but not pressure or temperature? The importance is that when gasses expand, they take up more volume. They expand when they heat up, and contract when they cool down. Why does this matter? Well, for one part of the reason that the dipshit captain was able to disable that scrubbers network is that at the end of the scrubbers network is a pump that takes it into the main atmospheric tanks. That pump, upgraded to a volume pump or not, can only move certain amount of pressure (standard pump) or volume (volume pump) at a time. If the temperature is very hot, it will not be moving very many moles (the measure of the actual amount of gas) at all, and all the gas in it was just expanded to a massive pressure and volume, likely maxing out the amount contained within, and meaning that you're not moving it at anywhere near the normal rate. On the other side of this, you can use this concept, with a valve, to use one section of thermal piping to heat up another section on demand.
Damage Control: Rise of the Fixman
So, the ship has taken a few hits, the clown is dead, munitions is complaining about their compartment being depressurized again, medical has ceased to exist as a location, you've lost contact with the bridge, and you've just barely managed to stop the ship from exploding due to superstructure critical. What do you do, and how do you do it?
1. Triage, not just for medical.
So, you've got a whole list of issues. Priorities change in combat and out of combat, and what you can afford to fix changes with the number of engineers you have available to you. These priorities are debatable, but I'll list what I treat as the priorities here and why. I've also added in a list of Non-Priority Fixes, otherwise known as "what's in it for me?" fixes. The things at the bottom I will only fix if someone is bribing me.
In Combat:
1. Fix the reactor-if this took a hit and/or is starting to do the funny alarming noises, fix it. You've got about 2 minutes from unhappy to boom with the AGCNR or Stormdrive.  
2. Bridge-Specifically the HELM, DRADIS, TAC and FTL consoles. If they're broken, you can't move and shoot, and you'll probably die.
= The Depot =
== Sugery Tools ==
[[File:Scalpel.png|Scalpel]] '''Scalpel''': <br>
[[File:Retractor.png|Retractor]] '''Retractor''':<br>
[[File:Hemostat.png|Hemostat]] '''Hemostat''': <br>
[[File:Cautery.png|Cautery]] '''Cautery''':<br>
[[File:Saw.png|Circular Saw]] '''Circular Saw''':<br>
[[File:Blood filter.png|Blood Filter]] '''Blood Filter''':<br>
= Chemical Tiers =
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"; style="text-align:center; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=1;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#ffff00;" class="unsortable" |Chemical Name
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:10vw; background-color:#ffff00;" |Formula
! scope="col" style="width:100px; background-color:#ffff00;" |Minimum Level
! scope="col" style="width:100px; background-color:#ffff00;" |Maximum Level
|Virus Food
|{{RecursiveChem/Virus Food}}
|A slap on the face in the best possible way
|10 parts whiskey, 5 parts [[#Creme de Menthe|creme de menthe]]
|A snappy way to end the day.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_(cocktail) IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|Sugar Rush}}Sugar Rush
|Your arteries clogging with sugar
|2 parts [[#Sugar|sugar]], 1 part [[#Lemon Juice|lemon juice]], 1 part [[#Wine|wine]]
|Sweet, light, and fruity - as girly as it gets.
|Has a slight nutritional value but lowers your satiety as it's practically junk food.<br>[http://va11halla.wikia.com/wiki/Sugar_Rush Drink from VA-11 Hall-A]
!{{anchor|Syndicate Bomb}}Syndicate Bomb
|Purified Antagonism
|1 part [[#Whiskey Cola|Whiskey Cola]], 1 part [[#Beer|beer]]
|A syndicate bomb.
|Fluff: two glasses connected with a tank valve. You need to drink from the valve, else it spills.
!{{anchor|Tequila Sunrise}}Tequila Sunrise
|Oranges with a hint of pomegranate
|2 parts [[#Tequila|tequila]], 2 parts [[#Orange Juice|orange juice]], 1 part [[#Grenadine|grenadine]]
|Oh great, now you feel nostalgic about sunrises back on Terra...
|Causes glowing. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tequila_Sunrise_%28cocktail%29 IBA Official Cocktail]
!{{anchor|The Manly Dorf}}The Manly Dorf
|Hair on your chest and your chin
|2 parts [[#Beer|beer]], 4 parts [[#Ale|ale]]
|A manly concoction made from Ale and Beer. Intended for true men only.
|Heals people with the dwarf mutation. [http://bay12games.com/dwarves/ Reference to Dwarf Fortress]
!{{anchor|Thirteen Loko}}Thirteen Loko
|Jitters and death
|1 part [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Lime Juice|lime juice]], 1 part [[#Coffee|coffee]]
|This is a glass of Thirteen Loko, it appears to be of the highest quality. The drink, not the glass.
|Wakes you up and cools you down if overheated. Causes addiction at 30u and overdose at 60u. Addiction does nothing, but overdosing will first cause a 1.5 second stun and jitteriness. It will then have a 7% chance per tick to force drop held items, 7% chance to cause a random message of discomfort, 5% chance to permanently blind you or '''melt your eyes out if already blind''', 3% chance to cause a seizure (10 seconds of unconsciousness) and a 1% chance of causing a heart attack.
!{{anchor|Three Mile Island Iced Tea}}Three Mile Island Iced Tea
|10 parts [[#Long Island Iced Tea|Long Island Iced Tea]], 1 part Uranium
|A glass of this is sure to prevent a meltdown.
|Makes you druggy. Makes 10 parts instead of 11.
|Unstable Mutagen
!{{anchor|Toxins Special}}Toxins Special
|{{RecursiveChem/Unstable Mutagen}}
|Spicy Toxins
|2 parts [[#Rum|rum]], 1 part [[#Vermouth|vermouth]], 2 parts Plasma
|Whoah, this thing is on FIRE! '''CALL THE DAMN SHUTTLE!!!'''
|Heats you up if frozen. Best served in a shot glass.
|Mutagenic Agar
!{{anchor|Trappist Beer}}Trappist Beer
|{{RecursiveChem/Mutagenic Agar}}
|Dried plums and malt
|2 parts [[#Ale|ale]], 2 parts [[#Holy_Water|holy water]], 1 part [[#Sugar|sugar]]
|A strong dark ale brewed by space-monks.
|If you're a [[Chaplain|chaplain]] it reduces [[Status_Effects#Jitteriness|jittering]], [[Status_Effects#Stuttering|stuttering]] and heals 2.5 burn per tick. 
|Liquid Plasma
!{{anchor|Triple Citrus}}Triple Citrus
|Grind a Sheet of Plasma
|Extreme bitterness
|1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Orange Juice
|Triple the citrus, triple the fun.
|Can be used to make [[Guide to chemistry#Colorful Reagent|Colorful Reagent]]. Results in 5 parts instead of 3.
|Grind a Sheet of Uranium
|The outlaw spirit
|2 parts [[#Moonshine|moonshine]], 1 part {{Tooltip|[[Guide_to_chemistry#Nitrous_Oxide|Nitrous Oxide]]|{{RecursiveChem/Nitrous Oxide}}}}, 1 part [[#Sugar_Rush|Sugar Rush]], 1 part [[#Pwr_Game|Pwr Game]]
|A turbulent cocktail for outlaw hoverbikers.
|Regenerates your [[Health#Stamina|stamina]] faster the more drunk you are.
|Sucrose Agar
!{{anchor|Vanilla Pudding}}Vanilla Pudding
|Sweet Vanilla
| 5 parts milk, 5 parts vanilla, 5 parts eggyolk
|A vanilla flavored pudding in a glass.
!{{anchor|Vodka and Tonic}}Vodka and Tonic
|Tart bitterness
|2 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Tonic Water|tonic water]]
|For when a gin and tonic isn't russian enough.
!{{anchor|vodka Martini}}Vodka Martini
|Shaken, not stirred
|2 parts [[#Vodka|vodka]], 1 part [[#Vermouth|vermouth]]
|A bastardisation of the classic martini. Still great.
!{{anchor|Whiskey Cola}}Whiskey Cola
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1"; || style="text-align: center;"
|2 parts [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part  [[#Space Cola|Space Cola]]
|An innocent-looking mixture of cola and Whiskey. Delicious.
! scope="col" | Symptom
!{{anchor|Whiskey Soda}}Whiskey Soda
! scope="col" | Stealth
! scope="col" | Resistance
! scope="col" | Stage speed
|2 parts [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Soda Water|soda water]]
! scope="col" | Transmission
|Ultimate refreshment.
! scope="col" | Severity
! scope="col" | Level
! scope="col" | Required Chemical
! scope="col" class="unsortable" | Effect
! scope="col" | Threshold (hover mouse over for details)
!<span title="The deadliest of the three deadliest symptoms. Knocks you out and suffocates you at insane speeds, if you meet the easy thresholds. Kills people even faster when they enter crit">Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome</span>
!{{anchor|Whiskey Sour}}Whiskey Sour
| -2 || 0 || -1 || -2 || 5 || 9 || [[Guide_to_chemistry#Highly Unstable Virus Food|Highly Unstable Virus Food]] || style="color:#ff0000" | Causes heavy suffocation damage, while giving a small chance of heart attacks. Becomes even more lethal if the mob has more than 120 suffocation damage. Has no effect if the host does not need to breath||<span title="Causes paralysis and heart attacks when the host is suffocating">Stage Speed 8</span>, <span title="Doubles the damage done by the symptom. +1 Severity">Transmission 8</span>
|Sour lemons
|1 part [[#Whiskey|whiskey]], 1 part [[#Lemon Juice|lemon juice]], 1 part sugar
|Lemon juice/whiskey/sugar mixture. Moderate alcohol content.
!<span title="In my opinion, this is the worst symptom. Shit stats, low meme potential. 0/10. fuck you, alopecia.">Alopecia</span>
!{{anchor|White Russian}}White Russian
| 0 || 3 || 2 || 2 || 0 || 4 || [[Guide_to_chemistry#Unstable Mutagen|Unstable Mutagen]]/[[Guide_to_chemistry#Sucrose Agar|Sucrose Agar]] || style="color:#0000ff" | Causes rapid hair loss.|| None
|Bitter cream
|3 [[#Black Russian|Black Russian]], 2 part [[#Milk Cream|cream]]
|A very nice looking drink. But that's just, like, your opinion, man.
|[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Russian_%28cocktail%29 IBA Official Cocktail]
!Cornu Cutaneum
!{{anchor|Wizz_Fizz}}Wizz Fizz
| -3 || 3 || -3 || 0 || 1 || 0 || [[Guide_to_chemistry#Anomalous Virus Food|Anomalous Virus Food]] || style="color:#00aa00"| The host damages anyone next to them every so often ||<span title="The host gains some armor. -1 Severity">Resistance 6</span>, <span title="The disease damages creatures more often">Transmission 6</span>
|Friendship! It is magic, after all
|1 part [[#Champagne|champagne]], 1 part [[#Soda_Water|Soda Water]], 1 part [[#Triple_Sec|triple sec]]
|A magical potion, fizzy and wild! However the taste, you will find, is quite mild.
|Heals [[#Wizard|wizards]] 1 of every damage type per tick.  
|Fail a recipe
|You can't really tell what this is.
|You get this when there is something else in the glass
== Juice Cartons ==
==Oh boy==
By using cardboard you can make and fill these cartons with 15 units of anything. Perfect for those precious little assistants.
==WIP Guide Links==
[[Guide to food|Guide to Food]]
[[Guide to drinks|Guide to Drinks]]
<!-- To edit this category, edit the template at https://nsv.beestation13.com/wiki/Template:FoodCategory/Sandwiches -->
=Unrelated Stuff=
Need to make a template storage page…
{{Test Merge
|link =
[[Guide to the FTL]]
= Test Yard =
=== Whatever ===
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==== Ripley APLU ====
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==== Ripley APLU ====
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Latest revision as of 02:52, 12 December 2023

Mission Objectives[edit | edit source]

Staff Sergeant Angela Deth says:
"Listen up people, cause I'm not going to scream this twice! I've lately heard from a little bird on the Grapevine that the Brass has finally gotten around to talking about assigning us a Mission, as such I've decided that it's time to refresh that brain of yours with the various possible assignments we might get. So let's get to it Marines!"

At the start of every round the ship is given a randomly chosen assignment, this assignment has sub-objectives attached to it, which all need to be completed before you are allowed to vote on either, Continuing Onwards with a newly given Objective, or Returning to Outpost 45 for debriefing.

These objectives can be anywhere between having to calmly deliver supplies to some station, two jumps away from Rubicon, to downright having to plow through five Syndicate fleets, alongside a small pirate fleet, while the engine room is on freaking fire.

Patrol Duty[edit | edit source]

Staff Sergeant Angela Deth says:
"Patrol Duty, the lifeblood of the navy and the only thing keeping the Syndicate on their toes, our navy from being mothballed and our guns from gathering dust. It also serves to remind the outlaws that although we might be in the middle of a war, we still have not forgotten about their existence."

The Patrol Assignment is one out of four assignments you can potentially roll at the start of every shift depending on the amount of players.

The minimum amount of players required in order to roll this assignment is: 10 Players.
This assignment has a single Objective attached to it and that objective is to gather: 1000 Faction Points.
The current ways you can gather 1000 points is to do one, or more, of the following things:

  • Hunt down Syndicate and Pirate Fleets.
  • Capture Star Systems using the F.L.A.R.E. device which can be found in the Vault on certain maps.

Shakedown[edit | edit source]

Staff Sergeant Angela Deth says:
"The vessel we're being assigned to is fresh from the shipyard, she hasn't even had her maiden voyage yet, nor has she earned any scars yet, but that's all in due time, currently we've been given the task of taking this lady out for a spin."

Courier Duty[edit | edit source]

Staff Sergeant Angela Deth says:
"Courier Duty, even in the middle of a war the mail still has to be delivered, no matter how many syndicate fleets we must plow through, whether we're delivering vital cargo that could help save a system, to simply delivering the party supplies some station at the front-line ordered. We're the one's who have to ensure it gets there, no matter what stands in our way."

Boarding[edit | edit source]

Staff Sergeant Angela Deth says:
"Remember the various times the Syndicate sent their little drop troopers to wreck havoc inside our ships? Well guess what Marines? Playtime's freaking over! I've just got word from command, we are going on a little field-trip of our own, in order to steal ourselves one of their Ships."

The Boarding Assignment is one out of four assignments you can potentially roll at the start of every shift depending on the amount of players. Test

The minimum amount of players required in order to roll this assignment is: 14 Players.
This assignment has a single Objective attached to it, with the objective in question being to Board and Capture a Marked Syndicate Vessel.

The Setup[edit | edit source]

Before you even consider boarding a Syndicate Vessel you need multiple things.

  1. You require a Target.
    • The toughest part of boarding a ship, is to find a ship to actually board.
  2. You need a Pilot capable of flying the Sabre.
    • You can have a squad of Midshipmen geared up for boarding duty, however unless you have a pilot capable of actually getting them somewhere, they're not going to be very useful.
      • Make sure there is at least one backup pilot with you in the event that the first one eats a bullet.
  3. Make sure everyone who's partaking in the boarding action is assigned into Squads.
    • Those in squads have roles assigned to them, usually alongside a space-worthy suit of armor.
  4. Make sure everyone has a gun that's actually useful and not loaded with non-lethal ammunition.
    • There are firing pins that only work during boarding actions, install them into those guns in order to ensure that nobody tries using them for something stupid back home, and to deny anyone seeking to return the favour from having multiple working weapons at their disposal.
  5. TBA

Death Wish[edit | edit source]

Before you can initiate the boarding procedure, you need to damage the targeted vessel to the point where it's point defense systems are no longer fully effective, which usually happens when the enemy vessel has around 50%, or less, of it's hull integrity remaining.
Upon which you need to lock it down which is called a Hammerlock
You can check if you are capable of hammerlocking an enemy ship by using this console. EWAR Scrambler.gif
That console is found on the Bridge, as such it's up to the bridge officers, or whoever is on the bridge, to hammerlock it.
Upon locking down a ship for boarding, the vessel will cease returning fire and the sabre/drop ship, can now "safely" approach the disabled vessel for the next step of the plan.

This part of the plan is usually where things tend to start going ballistic fast.
When approaching the boarding target, the pilot needs to activate the docking mode on their craft and then carefully fly into the vessel, if they don't have the docking mode engaged when they make contact with the ship, then they'll slam into the ship like a bug splattering across a windscreen.
Upon docking with the Syndicate vessel you will have to navigate closer to the hull of the syndicate vessel before you can allow your bundle of well-trained Military-grade Clowns to exit the clown vehicle.

Full Force Forward[edit | edit source]

So, you've successfully managed to get onboard a syndicate ship, well done, now what do you do?
Well, first of all you have to get into cover, the primary reason for this is because the Syndicate Navy is staffed purely by Lemmings, and as everybody knows.
Lemmings tend to be extremely suicidal, to the point where if one of the crew members, onboard the Syndicate ship, suddenly spots you then chance of the ship suddenly gaining a new hole, due to a small accident involving the natural laws of bullets and a few Thermonuclear warheads, just skyrocketed.

The secondary reason for getting into cover is due to the fact that no military vessel in space exists without a sufficient amount of point-defence to defend itself against the swarm of fighters seeking to touch it in uncomfortable areas, and these turrets, who are usually only used to destroy incoming fighter crafts, can just as happily tear your little body to shreds.

So, after keeping that information in mind, you need to find either an airlock, the hangar, a window or you can just plain old, make your own explosive entrance, any method is fine, so long as you get inside the ship.

So now that everybody has gotten inside the ship and perhaps put up a few defensive positions, you need to carefully ration out your ammo so you don't run out of it in the middle of a fight, and also make sure nobody dies.

Now if a bunch of people suddenly decides to run on ahead, don't worry because your chances of survival just increased by 2%
This is due to the fact that those who ran ahead haven't had their bloodlust sated in approximately five seconds.
Best case scenario, they'll have died somewhere taking down a few of the syndicate crew with them.
Worst case scenario, they'll have slaughtered everything onboard the ship and are now thirsting for more.

The computer surrounded by the lime green box is the primary objective.

Circuitboard.png Circuits[edit | edit source]

Module.png Refered to in the code as id_mod and is the default icon for all circuit boards.
Door electronics.png Default icon for all electronics if they aren't set to have their own icon.
Power mod.png Refered to in the code as power_mod and is the icon used for the power control module that's installed in APCs.
AirAlarmElectronics.png Refered to in the code as airalarm_electronics and is the icon used for the air alarm and Airlock Controller electronics.
Mainboard.png Refered to in the code as mainboard and is the icon used for both firelock electronics and certain exosuit circuit boards.
FiringBoard.png Refered to in the code as mcontroller and is the icon used for certain exosuit circuit boards alongside the firing electronics from old munitions.
Circuitboard.png Refered to in the code as std_mod and is the default icon for all AI upload modules and Exosuit boards.
Commandboard.png Refered to in the code as command and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Genericboard.png Refered to in the code as generic and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Securityboard.png Refered to in the code as security and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Scienceboard.png Refered to in the code as science and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Serviceboard.png Refered to in the code as service and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Medicalboard.png Refered to in the code as medical and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Engineeringboard.png Refered to in the code as engineering and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.
Supplyboard.png Refered to in the code as supply and is the circuit board icon for certain machines.

Circuit.png Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

  • The Circuit Imprinter requires glass and occasionally gold or diamond. Here you will find circuits for most of the station's machinery and robotics' exosuits. With gold and diamonds, you can also make AI law modules.
  • Information on how to construct machines is available at the Guide to advanced construction.

Engineering Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Radio Mini.png Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 250 100 100
Radio card.png Advanced Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 500 200 200
Net Wired.png Wired Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 2500 400 400
Data Disk 6.png Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 800 200
Data Disk 5.png Advanced Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 1600 300
Data Disk 3.png Super Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 3200 400
CPU Board.png Processor Board Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 200 1600
CPU Micro.png Microprocessor Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 100 800
CPU Board Super.gif Photonic Processor Board Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 6400 800 2000
CPU Micro Super.gif Photonic Microprocessor Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 3200 400 1000
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300
Engineeringboard.png Machine Design (PACMAN-type Generator Board) Industrial Engineering No Engineering Machinery 1000 300
Engineeringboard.png Machine Design (SUPERPACMAN-type Generator Board) Advanced Power Manipulation No Engineering Machinery 1000 300
Engineeringboard.png Machine Design (MRSPACMAN-type Generator Board) Advanced Power Manipulation No Engineering Machinery 1000 300

Science Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Safeguard) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (OneHuman) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 6000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (ProtectStation) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Quarantine) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (OxygenIsToxicToHumans) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Freeform) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 10000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Reset) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Purge) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Law Removal) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Module Design (Freeform) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 10000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (Asimov) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (P.A.L.A.D.I.N.) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (T.Y.R.A.N.T.) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (Overlord) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (Corporate) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (Default) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Circuitboard.png Core Module Design (Dadbot) Artificial Intelligence No Ai Modules 1000 300 2000
Radio Mini.png Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 250 100 100
Radio card.png Advanced Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 500 200 200
Net Wired.png Wired Network Card Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 2500 400 400
Data Disk 6.png Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 800 200
Data Disk 5.png Advanced Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 1600 300
Data Disk 3.png Super Data Disk Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 3200 400
CPU Board.png Processor Board Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 200 1600
CPU Micro.png Microprocessor Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 100 800
CPU Board Super.gif Photonic Processor Board Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 6400 800 2000
CPU Micro Super.gif Photonic Microprocessor Computer Hardware No Computer Parts 3200 400 1000
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Security Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Medical Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Service Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Cargo Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Orion Trail Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Munitions Department Circuit Imprinter[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Module.png Missile Autowrencher Automated Missile Construction No Advanced Munitions 10000 2500 2500 10000
Module.png Missile Autowelder Automated Missile Construction No Advanced Munitions 10000 2500 2500 10000
Module.png Missile Autoscrewer Automated Missile Construction No Advanced Munitions 10000 2500 2500 10000
Module.png Missile Autowirer Automated Missile Construction No Advanced Munitions 10000 2500 2500 10000
Module.png Missile Assembler Automated Missile Construction No Advanced Munitions 10000 2500 2500 10000
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Battle Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Orion Trail Arcade Machine) Arcade Games No Computer Boards 1000 300
Genericboard.png Computer Design (Mediborg's Amputation Adventure) Illegal Technology No Computer Boards 1000 300

Proto.png Techfab[edit | edit source]

  • The departmental Techfabs are circuit imprinters and departmental protolathes combined, except their available circuit boards differ depending on their department.
  • These lists will only consist of items that can ONLY be found in a Technology Fabricator

Engineering Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

Science Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

Security Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

Medical Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

Service Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

Cargo Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png
Supplyboard.png Computer Design (Express Supply Console) Mining Technology No Mining Designs 1000

Munitions Department Techfab[edit | edit source]

Manufacturing List
Icon Item Required Tech Starting Tech? Category Beaker.png Sheet plastic1.png Metal.png Glass.png Copperdone.png Plasmadone.png Silverdone.png Golddone.png Uraniumdone.png Diamonddone.png Titaniumdone.png Bluespace Crystal.png Bananiumdone.png

To-Do List[edit | edit source]

Xenoecology Entry[edit | edit source]

Written by Elise Garnier

Overview[edit | edit source]

Plasmamen (or phoronized humanoids) are the newest species to ever come about naturally so to speak. By all technicality and definition, Plasmamen’s home planet is surprisingly the Earth’s moon. Through long term exposure to phoron, humanoids of all kinds have found themselves slowly but surely mutating and adapting to not only resist the harmful effects of phoron but even live and thrive off of it. Such a process shouldn’t be happening over the course of only a single lifetime, in fact it just about defies any natural process of evolution and mutation known to the current understanding of biology.

General exposure to phoron leads to tissue and liver damage. It acts as a toxic material in any organic lifeform’s body and can easily kill an individual in low quantities. However, a currently unknown quality that some humanoids share causes some form of chain reaction, dubbed “Phoronisation”, amidst their biological process that turns them into what is now called a Plasmaman. Phoronisation is only triggered by prolonged exposure to phoron over the course of years, if not decades, and in extremely small quantities due to its highly volatile and poisonous nature. This causes the skin, muscle, sinew, tendons, and internal organs to break down and reform into an incredibly hot organo-phoron compound that then covers the entirety of the skeleton, which, surprisingly, remains intact. This hot “organic” plasma fits all the criteria to be considered a living organism, complete with sentience and self awareness.

Plasmamen breathe pure gaseous phoron, which serves as the main driving force behind their biological functions. As such Plasmamen do not need to consume food to sustain themselves. Although many have shown a propensity toward vegetables over fruit when given the opportunity to eat. Such an incredibly volatile organism has been proven without a doubt to be completely immune to diseases and unbothered by radiation exposure. Their body produces enough heat to sustain themselves in the complete absence of warmth. Plasmamen are unable to reproduce on their own or with one another and rely entirely on other humanoids undergoing the chain reaction to sustain their numbers. As agonizing of a process it is to become a Plasmaman, such a great sacrifice of suffering is rewarded with the only form of naturally occurring genetic immortality in sapient beings observed so far. Plasmamen do not age and are not affected by disease.

When Plasmamen were first discovered decades ago during the expansion, humanoid-kind wasn’t sure what to make of them. They did their best to accommodate these new people and be mindful of more showing up in the future. Plasmamen were not widely received with open arms but were certainly seen as useful by Nanotrasen as the perfect employees to harvest the phoron shard in the moon during the Great Expansion.

In the furthest reaches of colonized space, humanoids were found drifting amidst the stars that very much resembled the Plasmamen of Earth’s moon. Their integration into society was relatively smooth, having flocked to the phoron shard not many questions were asked. Although prying minds had soon discovered these Plasmamen had been around for much longer than they let on. Some predated humanity as a species let alone their adventures in the endless cosmos. None of these ancient Plasmamen have been able to recollect where their home planet is nor their history leading up to their journey to Sol. Plasmamen, both ancient and new, with no memory of its origin, have since made their home with the federation working on station and ship crew alike.

Species[edit | edit source]

The Lightbulb Engineers Guide to Advanced Engineering[edit | edit source]

By: Travis Zaun

Engineering is complicated, thankless, and liable to get you blown up by your own mistakes or someone else refusing to listen. It is also rewarding, as you are the one thing keeping the ship from exploding due to those damned incompetent helmsmen and that one captain who thinks that Leeroy Jenkins is a role model instead of a cautionary tale. I'm going to give you some tips and tricks that I've learned over time to help make your life just a bit easier.
Keep in mind that this is written to the level of someone who already has a basic understanding of engineering: basic terms or concepts are not defined or explained. At the end, there is a Q&A for some commonly asked questions and some entertaining engineering stories.

On to the guide.

Chernobl Memes: Why there isn't any reactor information in this guide
There is a lack of tips to do with the reactors in this guide. It is deliberate and the reason is simple: experimentation leads to better engineers. People willing to figure out why things work with the reactors (particularly the stormdrive) generally learn a lot about engineering as they experiment. As a whole, this improves the overall quality of their engineering capabilities as they figure out gas interactions.

Piping and how it doesn't work like you think it does.
Good old Atmosia, the great state of pipes. You can do much with them, and anything fun (IE: extremely dangerous) requires a good working knowledge of how piping works if you want to live through whatever experiment you're running. Here are a few things to know about piping and Atmosia in general.

1. Pipes are indestructible as far as the forces contained within them:
You're probably already figured this out, but pipes can contain functionally infinite pressure and infinite temperature, their limits are the volume that they can contain, not the pressure or temperature within them, this is important, and I'll tell you why later.

2. Pipes don't have flow.
Yes, you read that correctly. There is no flow in pipes. Connected pipes that are not interrupted by components do not have flow, they just have volume. Pumps are just move volume from one tank to another at a certain rate. This is the equivalent of taking a cup and taking from one bucket and putting it into another bucket. All components that have a flow rate (scrubbers, non-passive vents, injectors, gas pumps, volume pumps, mixers, filters) all behave in this manner. Components that do not have a flow rate, such as valves (when open), connectors, z-level connectors, layer connectors or passive vents just connect one bucket directly to another, making it a bigger bucket.

3. What happens to one, happens to the rest.
Pipes are functionally just funny shaped tanks, and properties that happen to one section of pipe happen to ALL connected sections of pipe. This means that when that one dipshit captain panic siphons a room that was on fire, he just massively heated up the entire subber network, making it useless for actually scrubbing anything anywhere else. It also means that when you apply cooling to one section of piping, you apply cooling to the entire section of connected piping, assuming there aren't any interruptions in the line. The best way to fix that dipshit captains mistake is to build a thermomachine with the best components that you can get (or multiple thermomachines if you have low tier components), attach it to a random section on the scrubbers network, and turn it on.

4. Thermodynamics. It's a thing that exists.
Remember how I mentioned that pipes have a limit on volume, but not pressure or temperature? The importance is that when gasses expand, they take up more volume. They expand when they heat up, and contract when they cool down. Why does this matter? Well, for one part of the reason that the dipshit captain was able to disable that scrubbers network is that at the end of the scrubbers network is a pump that takes it into the main atmospheric tanks. That pump, upgraded to a volume pump or not, can only move certain amount of pressure (standard pump) or volume (volume pump) at a time. If the temperature is very hot, it will not be moving very many moles (the measure of the actual amount of gas) at all, and all the gas in it was just expanded to a massive pressure and volume, likely maxing out the amount contained within, and meaning that you're not moving it at anywhere near the normal rate. On the other side of this, you can use this concept, with a valve, to use one section of thermal piping to heat up another section on demand.

Damage Control: Rise of the Fixman
So, the ship has taken a few hits, the clown is dead, munitions is complaining about their compartment being depressurized again, medical has ceased to exist as a location, you've lost contact with the bridge, and you've just barely managed to stop the ship from exploding due to superstructure critical. What do you do, and how do you do it?

1. Triage, not just for medical.
So, you've got a whole list of issues. Priorities change in combat and out of combat, and what you can afford to fix changes with the number of engineers you have available to you. These priorities are debatable, but I'll list what I treat as the priorities here and why. I've also added in a list of Non-Priority Fixes, otherwise known as "what's in it for me?" fixes. The things at the bottom I will only fix if someone is bribing me.

In Combat:
1. Fix the reactor-if this took a hit and/or is starting to do the funny alarming noises, fix it. You've got about 2 minutes from unhappy to boom with the AGCNR or Stormdrive.
2. Bridge-Specifically the HELM, DRADIS, TAC and FTL consoles. If they're broken, you can't move and shoot, and you'll probably die.

The Depot[edit | edit source]

Sugery Tools[edit | edit source]

Scalpel Scalpel:
Retractor Retractor:
Hemostat Hemostat:
Cautery Cautery:
Circular Saw Circular Saw:
Blood Filter Blood Filter:

Chemical Tiers[edit | edit source]

Chemical Name Formula Minimum Level Maximum Level
Virus Food 5 parts Water

5 parts Milk

1 2
Unstable Mutagen 1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus
1 part Radium

2 4
Mutagenic Agar 1 part
Unstable Mutagen
1 part Chlorine

1 part Phosphorus

1 part Radium

1 part
Virus Food
5 parts Water
5 parts Milk
3 3
Liquid Plasma Grind a Sheet of Plasma 4 6
Uranium Grind a Sheet of Uranium 5 6
Sucrose Agar

Viro[edit | edit source]

Symptom Stealth Resistance Stage speed Transmission Severity Level Required Chemical Effect Threshold (hover mouse over for details)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome -2 0 -1 -2 5 9 Highly Unstable Virus Food Causes heavy suffocation damage, while giving a small chance of heart attacks. Becomes even more lethal if the mob has more than 120 suffocation damage. Has no effect if the host does not need to breath Stage Speed 8, Transmission 8
Alopecia 0 3 2 2 0 4 Unstable Mutagen/Sucrose Agar Causes rapid hair loss. None
Cornu Cutaneum -3 3 -3 0 1 0 Anomalous Virus Food The host damages anyone next to them every so often Resistance 6, Transmission 6

Oh boy[edit | edit source]

WIP Guide Links[edit | edit source]

Guide to Food

Guide to Drinks

Picture Recipe Ingredients Taste Nutritional Value Notes
Toastsand.png Grilled Cheese Sandwich 2 (plain)
bread slices
Slice any bread with your knife.
+ 2
cheese wedges
Slice a
cheese wheel
Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst)
with your knife
Toast, cheese 6 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin Space Vegetarian, but not Space Vegan friendly.
Hotdog.png Hotdog 1
Microwave a
dough slice
Slice a
flat dough
Flatten a
Mix 15u + 10u water
with your rolling pin
with your knife
+ 1
Process one slab of meat
+ 2
Microwave a
raw cutlet
Slice a Meat with your knife.
+ 5 units
Bun, meat 6 Nutriment, 3 Ketchup, 3 Vitamin Fresh footlong ready to go down on.
Rorosandwich.png Jelly Sandwich 2 (plain)
bread slices
Slice any bread with your knife.
+ 5 units
Bread, jelly 2 Nutriment, 5 Cherry Jelly, 2 Vitamin You wish you had some peanut butter to go with this...
Rorosandwich.png Jelly Sandwich (slime) 2 (plain)
bread slices
Slice any bread with your knife.
+ 5 units
Slime Jelly
Grind an unused slime extract
Bread, jelly 2 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly, 2 Vitamin Probably as toxic to the crew as peanuts would be.
Notasandwich.png Not-a-Sandwich 1 Fake Moustache + 2 (plain)
bread slices
Slice any bread with your knife.
Nothing Suspicious 6 Nutriment, 6 Vitamin Something seems to be wrong with this, you can't quite figure what. Maybe it's his moustache.
Sandwich.png Sandwich 2 (plain)
bread slices
Slice any bread with your knife.
+ 1
meat steak
Microwave meat
+ 1
cheese wedge
Slice a
cheese wheel
Mix 40 milk + 5 universal enzyme (catalyst)
with your knife
Meat, cheese, bread, lettuce 7 Nutriment, 1 Vitamin Talking to your food may result in a trip to the Chaplain.

Unrelated Stuff[edit | edit source]

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Guide to the FTL

Test Yard[edit | edit source]

Whatever[edit | edit source]

Ripley APLU[edit | edit source]


Ripley APLU[edit | edit source]