To do list

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As it is difficult to keep track of everything that needs to be done on the wiki and the current task list isn't being updated that often, while also remaining out of date.

I've created a list of things that needs to be done on this wiki.

Things that needs to be done

Explanation of Issues
Out of Date: This page is out of date and needs to be updated.
Unknown: This page has not been looked over and is potentially either up to date, entirely out of date or possibly entirely irrelevant to the NSV13 Codebase
Whatever else I can come up with later.

Entry Name Issue Comment
Shaft Miner Out of Date This page is entirely out of date as of #1760
Currently the page needs to be restructured and re-written to explain the basics of asteroid mining, alongside explaining the various buttons that exist only on the Mining Sabre Interface.
Guide to plumbing Unknown The page is possibly out of date, as I'm not someone who frequently mess around with chemistry plumbing, it's possible that the page contains information that is no longer up to date, the icons needs to be updated as well.
Images showing station rooms Out of Date As it’s no doubt known, NSV takes place on a ship, most of the images we use on pages we haven’t created ourselves show rooms taken from stations, these images need to be changed to showing the same room but on a ship, I’d suggest getting screenshots of the rooms on the Aetherwhisp as a replacement since that ship has most, if not all, of the rooms

Things that will need to be done after the Beebase

Things we don't need to worry about just yet

Entry Name Issue Comment
Guide to chemistry Out of Date This page will probably end up being out of date when the Beebase gets merged.
Guide to xenobiology Out of Date From wgat glances I’ve thrown over the xenobiology code and from what changelog screenshots have been sent to me, this page will be out of date the second the Beebase gets merged

Things that are done

Anything here has been completed, keep in mind to re-check here every once in a while for any potentially out of date entries that might crop up after a PR update or another Beebase

Entry Name Issue Comment
Test Entry Testing This is a Test

Would be nice to have

Not of critical importance to the Wiki and merely stuff that can be done later.

List of Stuff
Entry Name Issue Comment
Replacement of Circuitboards N/A While it’s not something that’s particularly an issue, it could be a good exercise for any volunteers.
The Machines page has circuitboards that are all the same icon, it would be nice if those icons are changed to the correct ones that show up ingame I’ve uploaded the icons and also attached a description of what they’re called in the code on my sandbox Circuit Icons