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A sandbox template. Do not actually include this on any pages. Do use this to test whatever template stuff you need to test.

Equipment Description
Exosuit drill.png
The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) and kill people who stand still within a few seconds.

When used for mining, the targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. Drills are rarely used for mining once Plasma Cutters become available.
Can't be attached to the Odysseus.

Equipment Can be attached to Description
Hydraulic clamp.png
Hydraulic Clamp
Ripley, Firefighter Gives it an ability to load objects into a cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it.
Great in combination with an ore box - nearby minerals will be loaded straight into the box.

Install a weapon by printing it from an exosuit fabricator and then hitting the finished mech with it. Some weapons require you to refill their ammo manually. To do this, print corresponding ammo boxes from an exosuit fabricator or from the security techfab, and then use them on the finished mech. Each ammo box will fill the weapon with the same amount as the "starting ammo".

Weapon Can be attached to Energy drain or starting ammo/max ammo Cooldown in seconds Description
CH-LC ?Solaris? laser cannon.png
CH-PS "Immolator" Laser
Durand, Gygax, Honker, and Phazon 30 energy per shot 0.8 Fires a Laser bolt, identical to laser rifles.