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This page is about me,and as such, there isnt anything interesting, and wont be anything interestin

So I thought

Might as well fuck around with templates here

Found in: in your hand
Used for: bonking people
Strategy: It is very heavy, useful for the beating up of people. Contains a flashlight which is very useful as well as a crowbar.
This was used by Cheems to Bonk Doge in the head, or vice versa
Go to horny Jail BONK


22 confirmed edits on 01.09.2020



  Have you ever looked out the window, and wondered: "Wow, I wish I knew more about those stars!" Well, you won't learn anything, just press buttons you are lucky, because we have just the console for you. The Astrometry console - a blue computer usually in the R&D lab - allows you to scan star systems, then scan the stellar bodies in those systems. Awesome right? As a side effect, you will gain a lots of points. This is arguably the easiest way of earning additional points.