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Genus: Hönwehanstumålitwejaja
Homeworld: Jagåle
Central Authority: The Dominion of Light
Restricted Job Roles: N/A
Guides: Guide to Races

Mothpeople are an alien race similar to the Earth moth insect, found on Nanotrasen space stations and ships.

History[edit | edit source]


Mutations into a moth-like organism have been acknowledged on NSV 13, mothpeople are distant cousins of the flypeople. Mothpeople seem to originate fro- R̶̵̨͟E̕D҉̀͜A͜͢҉͠C̶̨͘͜͜T̸̴̵̶̕Ȩ̛̀͢D̷͡҉̕҉


Xenoecology Entry: Mothpeople - Hönwehanstumålitwejaja[edit | edit source]

Written by Elise Garnier

Overview[edit | edit source]

From the horrendous struggle of their deathworld to their ascension to the great lights above, the mothpeople have known nothing but adversity but have found strength in their pre-existing faith and philosophical tradition present in the Dominion of Light and their Teachings. Coming from a previously heavy religious background, which had kept them alive but stagnated off of their homeworld, it was only when they decided to look at things objectively, that they were able to expand out from their “Deathworld”. Quite Literally building the Dominion of Light, from the ashes of the Church of light. They’ve since joined the Solgov-Lead Federation and helps in humanity’s struggle, not out of any true belief for their system, but out of practical necessity. Their goals are mainly around exploring the universe, as the final teaching of their original savior, “All that the light touches is within your dominion” which can be taken literally or metaphorically. They believe that Joining the Solgov Lead Federation is a stepping stone into something greater.

On a planet full of gravitational anomalies, semi-tidally locked against its weak red star, life struggled. It fought, thrashed, and survived. Due to having comparatively low gravity, natural evolution on this planet was conducive to forms of life that were not possible on places with comparably higher gravity. Forms of life that would potentially be small on a place like earth, are no longer held back by the constraints of it’s slightly higher gravity. Because of these factors The predominant evolutionary victors of this harsh environment are insectoid in nature. This basis of evolutionary unlikeness manifested through the inevitable development of more complex life. Through that development, the mothpeople had risen from the darkness to flock to the light.

Mothpeople are incredibly sensitive to light due to the natural low-light conditions present on most of their planet. Compound eyes of their size magnify and focus light to an incredible degree to the point where any amount of excess brightness can damage the retina and ultimately blind a mothperson. Likewise, fine, soft, microscopic scales coat their wings and dust their fuzzy setae, leaving them quite vulnerable to fire. A mothperson’s wings have been known to near instantly burn into ash when in contact with an open flame. In ancient moths, there was a predisposition that would cause them to pass out in the absence of light as a defense mechanism. They would essentially go into a coma, in order to survive on the harsh surface of the planet, until the light returned. This has recently, though intentional genetic manipulation, been bred out of almost all moths. However the imprint on the mind has not been fully removed, Moths are still generally scared of the dark.

Mothpeople tend to prefer dairy and vegetables and tend to avoid fruit. Meat is toxic to a mothperson and will quickly poison them and induce immediate expulsion among other dangerous symptoms. Moths produce a fluttering sound to vocalize and communicate language in their equivalent to a larynx.

The mothpeople have long shed the need to metamorphosize and as such moths reproduce in an unorthodox manner compared to other humanoids. Several dozen eggs inside the mother will eventually condense into one through a process called adelphophagy before the infant is fully grown and birthed.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Mothfolk are an optional playable race. You can make a mothperson character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as "wing" color.

Moths attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They are shown to "flutter" when speaking and have unique names (usually joke names that revolve around being a moth or names of real moth species).

For gameplay purposes, moths can flutter around in pressurized low-gravity environments (aka the grav gen dies). However, they get crushed by electric damage, fly swatters and pest spray. Their wings easily burn off too.

Roleplay[edit | edit source]

Mothpeople see names as incredibly intimate things. A secret to be shared only with the closest people in your life. As such most moths don’t share their true name with just anyone, even on the crew manifest but this does present an issue when dealing with legalities and the like. As such Moths will make a moniker to go by when interacting with the greater federation. Such names are very elaborate and usually sound a lot better in Moffic. (i.e. Tribitarialla Refepanna, Hunowavinius Fretellienoro)

Moths have varying personalities though it depends on where they’re from. Moths born and raised in or around the Dominion of Light tend to be non-confrontational, relatively peaceful and kind. Likewise religious, praising the Torch for its guiding light and wishing the Torch’s light upon others. Moths born outside of the Dominion are just as varied as humans in personality, beliefs, and ideals.

The Torch stands as the main religious idol in Moffic history and religion. It is a guiding figure and ideal more than an actual individual. It references an ancient figure in moffic history who led the mothpeople out of the dark and into the light, who helped them take to the stars and establish their Dominion. Much of the religious rituals surrounding the torch involve incense, praying, and attending sermons though the further a moth is from the Dominion homeworld, the looser the practices become. Some of the most radically religious moths blind themselves on purpose with the light of the star in their home system though this is very rare and seen as religious fanaticism even by some of the most devout.

Moths are typically found in Science and Medical departments throughout Nanotrasen and Whiterapids though they are occasionally found in other departments.