
From NSV13
Revision as of 04:20, 28 December 2022 by Bobbanz (talk | contribs)
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A sandbox template. Do not actually include this on any pages. Do use this to test whatever template stuff you need to test.


Superiors: Not defined
Difficulty: Not defined
Guides: Not defined
Access: Not defined
Duties: Not defined
Minimum requirements: Not defined

This template is intended to be at the top of each of the jobs pages to provide a basic overview of each job.

Meaning of parameters

colour is the background color of the header. This will also set the image background colour automatically.
hcolour is the font colour for the header. It accepts plaintext colours only.
bcolour is the color for the job title box.
bhcolour is the text color for the job title.
ebcolour is the background color for the section that holds the guides and other info.
stafftype is the word that is added before STAFF. So adding the word MAINTENANCE here yields MAINTENANCE STAFF. Intended to be in caps.
img Sets the file without the need for the [[File:]] command. The extension and size modifier must still be specified.
jobtitle, access, difficulty, guides and duties are self-explanatory.


Example of the finished product. Check the source code for the code that generated the thing below. Please document any changes you make to the template code in the parameters and usage sections

Generic captain.png
Access: All
Difficulty: Very hard
Supervisors: Space Law and Nanotrasen Officials
Rank: Not defined
Duties: Command the ship, protect the nuke disk, stop revolutions, get killed for all mentioned before.
Guides: no separate guides