
From NSV13
< User:Bobbanz
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Integrated positronic chassis, also known as TV heads.


  • Aesthetic TV head capable of changing looks, you stand out.
  • They can heal brute damage with a welder and burn with a cable coil.
  • Move slightly faster
  • Can be field revived with a cyborg reset board, welder and cable coils.
  • They stand out due to their TV head.
  • No need for eating.
  • Immune to cold and do not need to breathe.
  • Cannot process any reagents.
  • Flash proof eyes.
  • Immune to disease.


  • Cannot perform CPR due to lack of breathing.
  • Cannot be cloned, incompetent Roboticists will borg you instead of reviving you.
  • Take almost 2x burn damage, capable of being critted in 4 welder hits, along with having a 1.3 brute modifier.
  • You stand out without a helmet.
  • Cannot process any reagents.
  • EMPs will deal 20 - 60 brute damage and stun you for 10 - 20 seconds.
  • Need to stand still for a few seconds to heal with a cable coil.
  • Heal slowly unless someone else is healing them.
  • You will be killed by most conversion antags due to the difficulty of keeping you around.
  • Revenants can EMP you and kill you.
  • Takes water damage in the pool.

Where to find them: