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Medilizard.png Species Treatments

Nurse Sniffs-The-Chaos says:
"Doctor, Doctor! That Lizardman isss out of blood, that ssslimeperson hasss 25 unitsss of anti-toxin in their bloodssstream and that plasssmaman isss sssuffocating!"

Due to all Nanotrasen Solgov Vessels being staffed with a Multi-Race Crew, some species requires different treatments in order to heal correctly compared to the treatments a human requires.

Who needs what?

Species Blood type Allergies Treatment
Lizardpeople.png Lizardperson L 50% More Cold Damage, Human Blood types Standard Treatments, however use Blood Type L to treat blood loss
Plasmaman.png Plasmaman None Oxygen, most suffocation wounds are due to a loss of plasma in their tank, yell at cargo to buy more, they'll be positively glad to have something to do. Due to being a plasma-based lifeform, cloning is next to impossible unless there's a shower nearby and you are quick in dressing them.
Moths.gif Mothperson Standard Human Blood types As of currently, no known treatments deals damage. Standard Treatment