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Medilizard.png Species Treatments

Nurse Sniffs-The-Medicine says:
"Doctor, Doctor! That Lizardman isss out of blood, that ssslimeperson hasss 25 unitsss of anti-toxin in their bloodssstream and that plasssmaman isss sssuffocating!"

Due to all Nanotrasen Solgov Vessels being staffed with a Multi-Race Crew, some species requires different treatments in order to heal correctly compared to the treatments a human requires.

Roundstart Species

Species Blood type Weakness Treatment
Humans.png Human Standard None Standard Treatments
Lizardpeople.png Lizardperson L 50% More Cold Damage, Human Blood types Standard Treatments, however use Blood Type L to treat blood loss
Plasmaman.png Plasmaman None Oxygen, most suffocation wounds are due to a loss of plasma in their tank, yell at cargo to buy more, they'll be positively glad to have something to do. Due to being a plasma-based lifeform, cloning is next to impossible unless there's a shower nearby and you are quick in dressing them.
Moths.gif Mothperson Standard As of currently, no known treatments deals damage. Standard Treatment
Light Bulb.png Ethereal LE/Liquid Electricity Any type of blood Due to their ability to die if they run out of electricity, focus should be on determining what level of electricity they are on to prevent the patient from dying while doctors provide standard medical aid.
IPC.png IPC Oil Can process certain reagents but not all of them Due to their silicon nature they are outside of your field to handle and should be redirected to Robotics for brute/burn treatments, however if you happen to need to treat one, use welding to fix brute damage and cable coils to fix burn damage. The chemicals: System Cleaner treats IPC Toxin damage while Solder fixes brain damage and traumas.
Catpeople.png Felinid Standard Chocolate and loud noises Most frequent treatments are as a result of ear damage.

Less Common Species

Species Blood type Weakness Treatment
Podpeople.png Podpeople Standard Plant killing reagents Due to their ability to regenerate if standing in a sufficiently lit area, treatment focus should be on providing a sufficiently lit room and to treat anything which a well lit room can't heal.
Flypeople.png Flypeople Standard Pest Spray Standard Treatment
Slimepeople.png Jelly/Slimepeople Slime Jelly Anti-Toxin Medication, Cold, Medibots Due to their unique body chemistry the slimepeople and their subspecies are able to heal toxin damage by ingesting toxin dealing reagents such as welding fuel or Fluorine, they are also able to heal from most damages if provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients. If a slimeperson has been injected with Toxins healing chemicals you are to with all haste acquire a Calomel syringe from a Toxins Treatment kit and inject 5 units of it and await until the chemical has been processed by the body, if needed inject 5 more until all toxins healing chemicals have been purged and then provide any Toxins Dealing Chemicals to the slimeperson until they've been healed
Agolem.png Golems None Depends on the type of Golem, Thick skin, Immune to cryogenic drugs. Due to basically being a pile of rocks capable of movement, they aren't able to be injected with syringes, they don't suffocate and instead take brute damage while in critical meaning one only have to treat their brute damage and don't have to worry about refilling their blood due to their inability to bleed.
Skeletons.png Skeletons None None Due to being a walking skeleton medical doesn't really need to worry about treating a skeleton since they heal from drinking milk and are immune to medical injections.
Zombies.png High-functioning Zombies None Nothing Apply standard medical treatments if the zombie manages to actually get to medical.
Zombies.png Romerol Zombies None Self-Revival, Regeneration. If a Romerol Zombie outbreak has occurred onboard the starship all care should be taken to ensure the tumors are removed quickly and if necessary one should chop off the head, remove the brain and then clone said brain. Note under no circumstance no matter what should you ever try to treat a Romerol Zombie that is still living.
Shadowpeople.png Shadowperson None Light Before performing surgery on a shadowperson all lights around the subject should be turned off and the doctor should be wearing night-vision goggles, if a paramedic is trying to treat a shadowperson that is currently in critical they should shut off any sources of light in the area and then prioritize keeping the subject stable while they slowly heal from the darkness.
Synth revealed.png Synths/Military Synths Standard if in disguise Immune to all chemicals except synthflesh Synths can only be healed through the usage of the chemical Synthflesh
Androids.png Androids None Cannot be pierced by syringes, can't be healed through conventional means. Due to only being able to be healed through the usage of wires and welding they aren't the responsibility of Medical
Abductor base.png Abductors None Nothing Standard Medical Treatments