Draconic Empire

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The Draconian Empire is the government and ruling body that governs over a majority of the lizardfolk within the Federation. Though their history is troubled and violent, they’ve come to a relative peace and are working on developing their new world government. Though they now operate from their three moons, as the surface of their home world is currently uninhabitable. The Empire is, other than humanity, the most expansionist group within the Federation and continues to show its war scarred history. Without an enemy to fight, many parts of The Empire turn inward to seek conflict.


With humble beginnings, the lizardfolk home world was nothing more than a lush jungle world with vast deserts between the jungles that gave way to a warm, rich planet for the lizardfolk to fight over. Since their beginnings as a sapient species, their written history details a culture saturated with war, conflict, and violence. They’d reached early space age technology when their civilization came to a grinding halt and nearly wiped itself out when they discovered nuclear weapons.


For their sake, thankfully they developed a modicum of terraforming technology and were able to establish moon colonies and save their species for the time being though this did nothing to stifle the bad blood between the surviving three clans. The war continued shortly after they took to their moons. They focused almost entirely on developing weaponry and defense, as such their spacecraft were rather primitive when they were discovered by Solar Government research vessels.

First Contact

At the time, all three clans were engaged in a battle outside of the Zerridiss-Clan’s moon. Two of the three clans, Trita and Giram, immediately opened fire upon the research vessels and were quickly dispatched, though not without some damage to the SolGov vessels. The Zerridiss vessels, however, attempted to hail the SolGov vessels having witnessed the other two’s immediate destruction. The small decision is likely what would eventually lead to the Zerridiss uplift that allowed them to take control of the other two moons and establish the first Empire of the Draconian People.

The First Draconian Empire

The Draconian Empire. What was once a vicious fever dream held by each of the three cans that controlled each of the moons around Ziokah was now a reality for the Zerridiss clan. Having been uplifted by The Solar Confederate Government during the heat of their civil war, the Zerridiss clan produced the first royal heir to their Empire whose line of succession continues to rule the majority of lizards to this day.


The Draconic Empire's history is a long saga of turmoil and war. Negotiating has rarely been seen as an option until the first Empress who united the three moons under a single banner, Rules-The-Moons.

During her inspiring leadership, she managed to show her people the ways of charisma, negotiation, and compromise but many traditionalists still exist within the empire. Her successor, Pets-The-Kobalds, had unfortunately died from mysterious circumstances, and couldn't continue her predecessor's style of leadership. leading to further divergence between the now two parties; the Pragmatists and the Militarists.


Pragmatists are the current controlling party of the Empire. From the teaching of Rules-The-Moons and Pets-The-Kobalds, they try not to think of war as a solution but rather a last resort. Though they are only in the beginning stages of actually implementing these philosophies and it is taking time for them to acclimate to such a dramatic change to their ideals and problem-solving.

Their negotiation skills are very obviously lacking, often treating negotiations like a trade more than a compromise with little nuance or time spent deliberating on such discussions. They have been highly encouraged and supported by members of the Dominion of Light though the Militarist party use these poor negotiating skills as fuel for their argument against the Pragmatist way of ruling.


The Militarist party is focused around the military operations of the Draconic Empire and major portions of the government despite not being in direct control. They see the attempts of peace and negotiations from the Pragmatists as naive and foolish, a betrayal of their history and culture. They have, several times, ignorantly denied Rules-The-Moons' diplomatic ability and skill that had established the rapport with the alien species that had discovered them and gave them the technology to started the Empire the begin with. They tend to use The Dominion of Light as an example of where negotiation would bring their people, to laziness and forgetfulness of their ancient martial traditions.


The Empire is quick to aggression, much of the military is always left on edge with no one left to fight and only in the last three generations have they ever tried any amount of diplomacy. They respect strength, which they see in SolGov but not many others. They hold a low opinion of the Dominion, seeing them as the weakest link in the Federation for their focus on science and research instead of military.


As a part of the Federation, the Draconian Empire works to produce munitions, weapons, and animal products. They’ve been requested to send tradesmen and other workers to be employed by various companies and organizations within the Federation as a whole to improve inter-species relations.

Too Close For Comfort

There are confirmed reports of the Syndicate contacting The Empire, the nature of this contact isn’t wholly known though it’s surmised the Syndicate is, like with many other alien species, attempting to gain sympathizers, recruits, and perhaps to dissuade their participation in the empire.