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The most important, and hopefully, rarest situation you will ever have to manage. Just like our munitions team, the Syndicate is capable of manufacturing and deploying nuclear warheads. At any moment, in any sector, without warning, the Syndicate may authorize the use of such a weapon and fire a nuke directly at your ship. An automated announcement will declare a radiological emergency, the rest is up to you. It is possible for munitions to gun down the nuclear warhead before it strikes the ship, in which case take a deep breath and get back to work. If not, here’s how to be the least fucked in that situation.

When the nuke hits the ship on the overmap, it can strike anywhere on the actual ship - the outer hull, a hallway, medical, even your office! While you cannot prepare for if it lands on top of you, you can prepare for the assumption it’s hitting somewhere else. Time is of the essence, alert the crew to head closer to the middle of the ship, as anyone without eye protection will be blinded and take significant eye damage if near an exterior window. Advise them to also beware of standing near windows, as more than half of them will likely explode upon the bomb’s impact into dangerous shards.

Around the nuke’s impact will be a massive amount of damage, flash fires, structural damage, hull damage, and radiation. The cards are down in this situation, so it’s time to get assigned damage control and medical to fix that shit now. Damage control will need to dispense radiation suits for themselves at their vendor (pray that it’s still around) and seal the breach and fight the fires from the blast along with fixing hull plating as it will likely occur during the middle of combat. The emergency medical team should be advised to start immediately looking for survivors, corpses, and tend to those in critical condition.